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Do you wear matching coloured shoes and handbag?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you match your shoe colour to your handbag colour, or do you just wear any colour shoes/handbag?

#Matching shoes handbags
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I used to always do this and change handbags to suit my shoes.

However, once again, with age, I don't care as much about small things like this, and have got lazier as it is easier just to stick to the same handbag rather than have to keep taking everything out and changing it each time I go out.

Also I wear some brighter shoes -have these iridescent Nike shoes that I wear and would not get a handbag in this colour even if I wanted to (which I don't) .
by Finy
Only if you want to.
I have one bag, and three pairs of shoes. One for wet weather, one for dry weather, and one for going out nice places. My shoes are brown and tan and my bag is sandy. Do they go together? If not, then no, I don't wear matching, and I don't see a reason too.
95% of the time yes I do.

It will be Black or Black.

I have a light coloured Pierre Cardin tote bag, that I bought for a scream, and I use it once in a blue moon....

I like to:
When I was living in Melbourne and had the chance to change my clothes with the seasons,I used to love having accessories which matched.I was so much younger then though! These days,I wear Orthaheels in various lovely bright colours,and I just have a nice lightweight carry bag which goes with everything and has several bright colours on it!
My purse is a hand made leather wallet style with zip compartment for change,which I have had since the 90's! A friend made it for me,and we used to sell her stunning pieces in the art gallery where I was lucky enough to work a couple of days a week! So with this fabulous purse/wallet and my carry-bag,I'm all set to just slip on whichever of my cheerful Orthaheels I want and go off to do what I have to on any day!
Very rarely do I match shoes and handbag. Except when I go out formally. I don't think it is important to match them always. A splash of a different colour looks good. I have very few handbags and do not see the need to buy more. Day to day wear, I have one bag that I wear everyday, and I wear all kids of different shoes with that, ranging from sneakers to ballet flats. My casual bag is very versatile but doesn't match all those shoes. I don't see the need.
Matching, as I was taught by my Mother, who was always dressed to 'perfection', at ANYTIME, & I was so proud to be in her company, anyway.

If not matching, I feel very 'uncomfortable', & quite 'out of sorts'!

My whole outfit, from the simplest, to evening wear, ALWAYS matches, & it makes feel not only well dressed, but also a million $....

Mum always said, 'you never know who you might meet'! It's proved a very true maxim for me on many an occasion! The best example was when the Governor was in my row at a Concert, & had to go passed me to her seat!

To me, good habits formed from childhood onwards, are very hard to break!
I totally agree.
by jonaja
No, I've only got the one handbag and it's rainbow striped so it doesn't go with my shoes particularly.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. I have a red, black, and white tote I bought in Fiji. I wear it with everything but it goes with nothing. LOL!
by Vee
Sometimes. I have taken to wearing a bag I bought in Fiji. It is red, white, and black. And, as I said to Jennifer, I wear it with everything but it goes with nothing. I do have to say that while I love it, I do feel as though something is not quite right when I wear it with my orange shoes.
by Vee
Nope, I don't feel the need. I have my two favourite bags that I use all the time. They are both leather so I think they pretty much go with everything
i used to match a lot, then I started wearing only dresses winter I wear short black leather boots which does go with the black/black&white/white Skechers that I were in the warmer months, because they are so comfy. A also have a bye pr to wear with my blue/white dress. Just about all the other dresses have black/white in the pattern, usually of flowers, so they match. I read awhile ago, that shoes & handbags should not match anymore! My husband gets fed with me aways changing handbags!!!
by Miro
The girl in the top photo isn't even wearing anything red, so you'd think she would have chosen a dress with red in it, & had orange or blue shoes & bag instead!
by Miro
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