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Do you wear makeup?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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If so, is it only occasionally, or every day? Why or why not?

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I like the natural look, but I don't think the natural look likes me, so I have regularly enhance with tinted moisturiser, bronzer and a hint of mascara. I like make up, and I wear it for going out and for work etc, and I have certain products that I have grown to cherish over the years. I don't like too much make up, and often because getting ready is such a rush in the mornings, I'll only go for the bare minimum, but by just spending 3 minutes or so I think it improves how I look and feel. I'm regularly without make up, and can live without it for sure, but with a bit of mascara, and a bit of bronzer, I look less sleep deprived and more fresh faced.
No. Make-up is a mask, and beneath that mask I know what I really look like, Why pretend? I also don't like make-up because it is girly, and I don't do girly.
I also can't be bothered to spend the time putting it on, nor do I care what other people think I look like.
Hahaha. I'm with you! I feel so uncomfortable in make up . . . like a hooker. Euww.
by Rice
No I don't wear make up apart from lipstick -I used to wear eye liner years ago but once again, with gravity taking over, it is not so easy to put the eye liner on!

I like the natural look.
by Finy
Occasionally. For a special occasion I might wear a little eyeshadow and lipstick. If I'm going to be out a lot during the day I wear moisturiser and some powder over the top to stop it looking all sweaty.
I wear make up only occasion. I don't like to put things on my skin if I can avoid it.
by Vee
For years I've hated it, especially foundation which always looks like it's been caked on to me, but I've just discovered a foundation that I actually like and which seems to enhance the way I look. I certainly don't care if I am seen without makeup, and definitely like a natural look, but am learning that I can still get a natural look with a little bit of makeup.
I do.
I look quite 'raw' in company, if I don't.
They seem to take a double look!!
So at work and Church yes.
Not at home or shopping, they can take me as I am.
Oooh. Rough night Chez Barbie ;-)
by Rice
L O L :)

by jonaja
No - but not too many guys do!
Althouhg my partner doesn't wear any makeup and she looks magnificent!
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