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Do you wear lipstick?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: pixabay.com

Do you use lipstick regularly?

What shades do you prefer, and do you match it with your clothes?

#Make up
#Colour your lips
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I don't necessarily wear lipstick every day.

I do sometimes when I go into work as one of the girls keeps telling me how nice I look when I wear it!

However it seems to wear off in no time, so mostly I do not bother.

I know it looks nicer however what is the point if it wear off within half an hour -no idea why this happens.

I do like to match the colour with what I am wearing and now only use organic lipstick as do not like all the chemicals in an ordinary lipstick
by Finy
I have to wear Lippy.
I look dead if I don't...lol...seriously.

I have all shades, and they do match my clothes as best I can.
I never wear it at home, and even shopping for food...
That's no use, I'm not that worried.

But when going out etc, I have too.
There is some really nice ones that don't wear off too easy.
I'm not quite sure, but Google will give info on that.

I also: love to dye my lips a nice pinky red, if I have a long day.
I can do it with a older product of lipstick, that was more like
a ''colour stick'' than lipstick.

I'm also thinking of looking up how to dye lips with natural
foods stuffs, that really work.....Beetroot being one :)
Let me know what you find out -good idea -cannot see it lasting though!
by Finy
I think beetroot will last longer than any thing else.
Plus if ya do it every day?
It may just stain the lips to have that beautiful pinker look.
Can't hurt, the lips are meant for food :)
by jonaja
I do like to wear a fairly neutral yet healthy colour when I am going somewhere
special,otherwise I just like a good quality organic lip balm!! There are so many lovely ones around at very reasonable prices!
No, I don't. I end up eating most of it and it's a waste and bad for me as well. I am going to make my own lipstick soon using all natural ingredients. May be then I can wear it more often.
by BK
then you can sell it and we can all buy it... yay!
by brigi
Haha I think I will give you some samples free for your cheerfulness :D
by BK
No. Sometimes I wear tinted lip balm, which is pretty much just beeswax and berry juice, cocoa or coffee. I have a couple of different shades, but the one I wear most day to day is just a slightly darker pink than my lips are naturally, so you wouldn't really know I'm wearing it.
No and no. It looks great on some people, but unless I'm attending a very special occasion, that is effort I need not exert.
by Vee
No and no. It looks great on some people, but unless I'm attending a very special occasion, that is effort I need not exert.
by Vee
I think I've discovered why two posts come up. I accidentally hit the 'post' button twice.
by Vee
I rarely wear lipstick
by AJ
Only on special occasions.
Nope. Can't get the hang of it.
I think lippy looks great when one is all dolled up, Match the outfit and what suits you. I go to that much trouble on a few accessions but daily around home I don't bother, maybe a bit of coloured balm to keep the lips moist. Several friends wear the stained/all day lipstick and they can eat drink pash and it only comes off with special remover! They do look good! Me, I am allergic to many cosmetic products so try to use more natural lipsticks, which, as you all have said, wears off quick.
yes always
When I am at home I don't wear lipstick. Usually when I leave the house I put on lipstick but I don't reapply it during the day. It wears off pretty quickly. I don't wear much make up.
Only for special occasions.
by Lucy
Only 'cosmetic' I actually 'wear' these days!
Feel 'naked' if don't have any 'lippy' on! Have been known to forget tube & HAVE to buy one! Sad, isn't it........

I use whatever colour suits outfit being worn. So I have a 'basic' collection, & stick with it. Tend to buy from cheaper outlets these days. Can't afford exxy 'lippies' now.
Yes, absolutely. I feel 'naked' if I go out without any on (though I will go to the gym without any). I think this is because of my Mum and her Mum before that. Apparently Nanna would not even answer the front door if she did not have any on! And now that 'paranoia' has been passed on to me! And I also match it to what I'm wearing. Many people comment on how well the colours match.
Yes - every day. The only time I don't wear lipstick is in bed, when I'm exercising and cleaning the house. I wear a pearly pink shade - don't go for the dark dramatic colours as I think they are a bit harsh.
I only wear lipstick when I go out, & that also includes shopping, & it always has to match what I'm wearing as well. My mother used to save up the dinner, & then put lipstick stick on. I'd stand at the bathroom door watching her, & I always thought how lovely she looked.
by Miro
Sorry, I meant to write: 'My mother used to SERVE up the dinner', not 'save' up the dinner.
by Miro
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