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Do you wear gloves when you clean?

by Vee (follow)
Cleaning (41)      Chores (29)      Personal Care (2)     

By mconnors, sourced from morgueFile.com

Some people wear rubber gloves when washing the dishes or doing other household chores. Do you?

#Personal Care
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No. I used to but now I clean with water and microfibre cloths there is nothing to irritate my skin so I don't need them.
Who cleans!!!

I pay someone to do that and I have a dishwasher however when I handwash i do not bother with gloves.

I also do not use any chemicals apart from a toilet cleaner so nothing that touches my hands will cause a problem.

I do dust but without gloves, and I use all enjo products so once again, no chemicals.
by Finy
Yes, I always do that. It also keeps my hands away from harsh chemicals .
by BK
I don't clean with harsh chemicals, but I do find that dishwashing liquid and even soap damage my skin by the end of the day. My skin are always so dry, but I don't like wearing gloves because they often get in the way, and I really don't like it when water gets into them.
by Vee
Absolutely! And I put moisturiser on before the gloves, so that the heat of the washing water through the gloves can help it sink in really deep.
Never mind the cleaning fluids, just the water alone will damage and age your hands so it is well worth wearing gloves.
Ah, Verity, verrily you make me feel so bad - I must try harder :-) I bet your hands are lovely. At least there are no more Bri-Nylon nighties to snag. LOL
by Rice
Before my bench-top dishwasher arrived, I did the 'washing-up' with rubber gloves on, mainly because of how hot the water was!

For general cleaning, no, as products' I use have been used my whole life, so I know they won't hurt my skin!

Other than that, I get a 'cleaning-lady' in who does everything else I won't do! (Long story re: that!)
No to wearing rubber gloves when washing dishes. Yes if there is a particularly yukky job to do.
I hate gloves as I can't feel what I am doing. Unfortunately I am apt to garden without gloves too. Naughty. I mostly use bi-carb, vinegar or plain soap and microfibre cloths for cleaning but I know I should try to use gloves more when I wash up, especially in winter. They make your hands smell and sweat and I really just don't like them :(
by Rice
I only wear gloves if it were something like harsh cleaner(that was necessary to use)...Or if I had to clean the bathroom, and the like.

I use those tight fitting 'doctor type', and they work very well.

Not keen on the others, they get water in, one of my all time pet-hates.

Gloves have their place, I could not imagine life(for some jobs! without them).
I've never used cloths for washing up, & I've always used HOT water without any cold water. This is ok for me! & I don't burn my hands! As I don't use any chemicals, I don't need rubber cloves. I'm in my late 60's, & my hands aren't looking like 'old' hands yet, (except for a few 'age spots' on the back of my hands.)
by Miro
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