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Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

by elise (follow)
Health (523)      Eyes (12)      Glasses (7)      Frames (2)     


My friends that wear glasses prefer to use contact lenses instead of their actual frames. However, I much prefer wearing the actual frames because they are more convenient and easy to wear. What do you prefer and why?

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They can look amazing!
Plus you can now buy them from overseas, complete.Once you have a pair made up, in your own city....You can ask for a copy of the 'script', and send that with your chosen new frames, you have found on line.They come back, and very nice indeed. You can buy inexpensive good frames that have a theam....you may never find otherwise.It's a lot of fun, and you can buy from as little as $30 heap's of colours too. A fashion statement for every outfit!
Wow, jonaj, you constantly amaze me! How do you get to know what your prescription is? My daughter always has stunning glasses somehow.
by Rice
I just ask for my prescription from the optometrist, and they write it down ;)
by jonaja
None. I used to wear both. With the contact lense, I only needed it in my left eye. With the long hours I am working in front of the computer at the moment, my eyes are sore. I'll be getting them tested shortly. It will be hello glasses again.
None anymore. I used to wear quite strong glasses but could never come at putting contacts in my eyes because I hated touching my eyes. Eventually, I had laser surgery to correct the astigmatism and, touch wood, they've been fine for a good ten years. The surgery nearly killed me because I had to be awake for it, but was well worth the anguish.
I absolutely give you a gold medal for courage. I am such a wuss . . .every time I think of doing it, I pike out :((
by Rice
Fortunately I don't have to wear either. My mum used to wear both glasses and contact lenses, but she got so sick of it that she eventually got laser surgery. She now needs glasses for reading, but is much happier.
Glasses - less hassle of poking the eyes and they look chic :)
I dont wear glasses, but I think i would go for contact lenses.
Glasses, contacts are so fiddly!
Glasses and contact lenses only when I play sport (which hasn't been for a while since kids!). However, I just found out I can now have laser surgery - so I'll be looking into the options. Having worn glasses for 10+ years, I won't know myself without them!
Not yet, but I know I should...very soon! These days I'm struggling to read the small print for product ingredients and to thread a needle. I think it's just vanity that stops me.
It's not you. They make that print super small so we can't see ingredients they use. They also print bad colours together which make it near on impossible to read. I feel like taking a magnifying glass shopping these days.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, don't forget your 'Deer a Stalker Hat' & 'Pipe'!
They way, I'll easily spot you in the supermarket aisle, Ms Sherlock! Lol!
by donjo
I have tried contact lenses however could not get them either in or out, and after trying for over a week, I gave up.
I therefore wear glasses all the time, and have several different coloured ones.
by Finy
I wear glasses for longsighted-ness but because of my astigmatism contact lenses aren't an option.
Ah, a fellow sufferer. Let's think of our glasses as a protection from sand storms :-)))))
by Rice
Oh! Rice, didn't realise you're 'Rice of Arabia'! Lol!
by donjo
I have worn glasses for about 10 years now.
I’m onto my 5th or 6th lot of frames. I’ve kept all my old ones, so I can see how daggy they now are!
Glasses. I absolutely ADORE contacts but my eyes are not suited to them so my optician told me I would have to stick with glasses :(( Oh well, at least I *look* intelligent . . . . hahahahaha!
by Rice
At moment, only wear glasses to watch TV!
In future, will probably need reading glasses.

Wouldn't wear contacts at all! Yucky!
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