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Do you wear a wedding ring or is there a ring you wear EVERY day?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you wear a wedding ring, or is there a ring that you wear all the time?

#Wedding ring
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I don't wear my wedding ring but I wear 5 rings always:
two wedding rings from my mother and my father
2 rings from my daughter who died
1 ring from my grandmother

All are small so I am not "cluttered"!!
When I go out I sometimes put on some of my better rings.
by Finy
I do not wear any rings at all anymore due to extremely disfiguring and painful arthritis which has stopped me doing so since justv before I turned 50.It is extremely sad,as I own some truly exquisite rings! I have even had to have some of them cut from my fingers when the swelling first began. It breaks my heart.
Oh Jules, further to my previous reply to you, have you thought of getting a good quality, strong matching colour chain on which to put your rings, & wear it around your neck?
At least you'd get get the joy of seeing, & wearing them again.
Cheers to you!
by donjo
Thanks for your continued kind thoughts! I do have some very special chains which are strong enough,as well as lovely enough to wear a ring or two on!
by Jules
I wear nothing on my finger's .

It makes me feel free
love the feeling.
I don't wear my rings everyday, but I always wear them when I go out. When you spend so much on a ring, I would hate to ruin it by exposing it to the elements. Being a nurse, I was never allowed to wear my rings to work, so I got out of the habit. You are allowed to wear a plain band, and some people cover them with tape. They are great for harbouring bacteria in all the nooks and crannies, not to mention getting blood, poo and wee all over them on a daily basis !!! Rings can cause skin tears to elderly people too, so I just got out of the habit. I love my rings very much, and I want them to be in relatively the same or similar condition as when they were given to me, so I wear them at home, or if going out.
Lluxi, after many years I suddenly realised I can get rid of double answers! duh....
by Finy
Really? How?
by Lluxi
I have magical powers as editor!!
by Finy
I wear mine everyday. I could probably count the number of times I've taken it off.
I try to wear my wedding ring whenever I go out, but it gives me a rash so I tend to give it a miss sometimes.
by Vee
I almost always wear my engagement ring and my wedding ring on my left hand, and another ring on my left hand pointer finger. This ring has a largish turquoise gem, and I like it very much. On my right hand I wear a cheap gold and quite plain ring, because it fits my finger well....
Yes, I do wear my wedding ring. I don't wear my engagement ring unless I am going out.

Yes I do wear my wedding and engagement rings everyday, but I do take them off if I am cleaning chicken ti prepare for a dish, or if I am going to do something like a dirty job.
My Wedding 'set' of four, I wear whenever I leave the house.
As I'm the designer of my various rings, I also like to 'colour co-ordinate' them with my outfits, day or night.

I clean them before going out. I HATE dirty rings!
They're not worn at home, as they 'annoy' me, & I don't want them to get grease, & grime on them!

I love my varying ring types, as each one has a special meaning to me!
I have a very wide wedding ring, so I'm not able to wear it 24/7 as I'd get a rash under it, so I only wear it when I'm going out, & take it off as soon as I arrive home. In my 50th year, (19 years ago) I bought my self 4 differently designed gold rings, which I've never taken off my fingers since. I hope my daughters have them cut off my fingers when I die. There's 3 on the left hand, & 1 of the right.
by Miro
Oh! miro_........I know what you mean totally....my Wedding ring is an 8mm wide, straight-edged one, as I wanted it to be 'outstanding', if for some reason, I wasn't wearing the other three of my 'set', which have 'matching shoulders', & fit together superbly!

Yes, I, too, have other rings, which I've designed, to celebrate various life 'milestones'.
I wear to colour-match my clothes, when going out. They're usually worn on R hand, fourth finger!
I find it comforting to wear my rings, as they EACH mean something very special to ME!
Cheers to you!
by donjo
I don't wear any of my beautiful rings due to increased weight after my last child and I don't want to let the engagement ring out of my possession because of the large diamonds in it. I'm fearful that I may not get them back if I have the ring made larger. I occassionally wear all 3 rings on my pinky when I feel like showing a bit of bling, and it works. I do have a good collection of other diamond rings as well as amethyst, topaz, jade, pearl, etc which I wear out occasionally .
Oh! helga, do you not have anybody who can recommend a 'reputable' jeweller to you?
Who gives you 'valuations' for their Insurance, then?
by donjo
Hi Donjo. I guess there would be a reputable jeweller or more around here but I remember when my mother had her blue diamond ring altered and it came back minus the "blue" diamond. Of course in those days she couldn't do anything about it as there wasn't photography like we have nowadays and not many jewellers around so it makes me wary of having anything done. All my rings were valued at time of purchase so I'd think they would appreciate even if the valuations weren't current. I'd never leave them for valuations. If I needed to have one updated I'd make sure the valuer was on site first.
by helga
I always wear my wedding ring. It is a fairly broad gold band so really needs no accompaniment. I do wear other rings occasionally from my collection but the constant is my wedding ring. Since my husband died I have also worn his signet ring on my left forefinger (the only finger it fits). It is a very unusual ring - silver with a trilobite set in the centre of the ring.
I dont have a wedding ring but I love to wear rings as they look nice. I wear a claddagh ring as a symbol and bling rings. Ive always loved diamonds and shiney stones, so thats where the bling comes in.
No. For years now anything on my fingers or wrists has hurt me. I got rid of all my jewellery at that point.
by Rice
When I got married I followed my Grandmother's example and promised my husband to always wear my wedding ring, not that he would mind either way. I left it on when he died and I have added another wedding ring to that finger with my second marriage.. My first ring has worn fairly thin.
Lately I have worn my "engagement" ring all the time too.
When I had surgery I had my wedding rings taped so I haven't had to take them off.
I had my wedding rings melted down and made into earrings when I divorced , otherwise they would have been wasted. Wear other rings daily because they are from special people,deceased aunt and uncle, then add more when going out.
Yes,I wear a number of rings in my fingers.
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