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Do you watch The State of Origin ?

by Zen (follow)
Believes less is more and values experiences rather than material possessions. Weekend Notes profile. http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/244436/
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Do you have any State of Origin Traditions?
Any Special food choices?

#State Of Origin
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No, I'm not into football. I'm only vaguely aware when it's on.
Nope, but I'm going to the footy on Thursday night. I'm Aussie Rules, not League...
Definitely NOT.

I hate football -think it is a rough, dangerous sport and I do not follow it in the slightest.

In fact I cannot be in the room if someone has it on television -I can't stand the way they bash into each other in mid air as I cringe every time this happens.
by Finy
No. Rugby League is extremely boring.
YES!! Our whole house does. We almost watch all sporting events, but the State of Origin is a personal favourite.
For that I give you a ?
No, I don't watch the full games. However, if my husband is watching, I'll catch snippets of it.
by Vee
No, i'm not a fan either Vee, but I'll also will watch a couple of minutes here & there, if I'm passing through the room while my husband is watching it.
by Miro
Love the rivalry in this game love to sit down with a Parma in front of TV an get stuck in
Interest, zero!
That goes for 99% of sport on tv for me.
by Rice
It's always watched in our house as we watch for the usual players we consider play "dirty" and see how long it takes for them to do their usual thing. As for food, nothing special there except we may have home made hamburgers and a beer/shandy prior to the game.
Yes. Love NSW
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