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Do you watch sailing races?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/Freedigitalphotos.net

Whether on TV or along the coastline, there are regular and international races sailing races. Have you ever enjoyed the thrill of watching or being in one?

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I do watch.
Love them, and the Sydney to Hobart is one I would never miss.
I have never been in one, that would be a huge thrill.Yes have also watched them from the harbour, very exciting :)
Wow! how awesome to be in one, and a tad dangerous I think. :)
The only one I now watch is the Sydney to Hobart.
I used to be married to a man who loved sailing and after it became almost his life, i started not to like sailing.
So, I also did not watch much anymore, despite previously having participated in, and watched local sailing.
by Finy
I love the Sydney to Hobart, it's thrilling to watch, even just on TV once they get out into the open ocean. My brother is a sailor and has races at his local club, so sometimes we go to watch him and it is just as thrilling, especially on the smaller boats, they zip around so quickly!
I grew up living near Lake Macquarie in New South Wales so I used to watch sailing races all the time when I was younger. Now that I'm in suburban Perth I don't have so much opportunity, though.
I love to watch them.
No. Not really interested.
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