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Do you watch any quiz shows on television at the moment?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you currently watch any TV quiz shows?

#TV quiz shows
#Quiz show
#TV quiz shows
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Yes, I watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
I enjoy this as it is my half hour to sit and relax before I make dinner. Although I definitely do not like Eddie Mcguire, I do not mind him on this show.

I also used to watch Eggheads on channel 2 and this show was wonderful but now it is on at a different time I think, so I rarely watch it.

There is also a good word game that I have seen a few times but don't know when it was on as just happened upon it several times while flicking stations.
by Finy
I used to love Spicks and Specks,but am not so keen on the new series. Adam Hills gave the show a real something special. I am a fan of Egg Heads, QI, Would I lie to You?,etc.All except Egg Heads have no prizes to be won,and even this only has a prize given on very rare occasions.I find these shows,entertaining,enlightening,and FUN!!!
I'm a sucker for Family Feud. The questions aren't difficult at all but I find it enjoyable as there is no right or wrong answer and is all down to the probability of responses from the general public.

A more high brow show that I enjoy is The Chaser.
Love the Chaser -what about Checkout -I love that also....
by Finy
I'm not familiar with check out unfortunately. As a kid, I do remember our entire family would watch Sale of the Century. We would have dinner at 6pm, watch the news and then watch Sale of the Century with Tony Barber. It's funny reminiscing. I think they may have tried bring back SOTC but don't think it was successful.
Love Eddie, yes I watch 'Millionaire; usually by this time I am on the couch relaxing before cooking my dinner.
by Fran
I like them very much, but time is not on my side.
I like Deal or No Deal.

Not keen on Andrew.....but I like the show.

Love Millionaire, love Eddie.
Do not like Eggheads at all.
I tend to watch quiz shows when there is nothing else on . I do enjoy them though
by AJ
No, I find them highly annoying. Either or both presenters and contestants just annoy me.
One of my favourite movie quotes of all time is from The Heathers:
"If you were happy all the time you wouldn't be human, you'd be a game show presenter."
No. I don't mind watching Family Feud, but I am too busy to catch it now and can't be bothered to tape and watch it.
by Vee
We don't watch TV at all at home.
Enjoy 'Hot Seat Millionaire'. Good to increase 'Trivia' knowledge!

Amazed how dumb some people are on there, though! Wonder what their 'screening process is?

The subjects that are being constantly answered incorrectly, by whatever generation, are in the subjects of.........
Ancient & Modern Histories'.
English Literature.
AND Geography!
Obviously many people either didn't study them, when offered, at School.
Or, of latter years', subject not offered at School.

I occasionally watch Spicks and Specks or Rockwiz.

I enjoy The Chase, Jeopardy, Egg Heads, Repeats of Letters and Numbers, Millionaire - when I get time.
We watch ‘……..Millionaire' every night, so I try & start cooking the dinner before it starts.Then my husband watches the news, (before & after ‘…….Millionaire’) & then he’ll turn it over to ‘Family Feud’ during the the ad breaks of the news, & for the last 5 mins of the show.
We can’t stand Deal or No Deal, & also don't Rockwiz, n’t my in-laws love the show! We used to watch Spicks & Specks. & IQ, but don’t like them any more. In our younger days, a long, long time ago, we watched, ‘…..Century’ & Perfect Match! I didn't think Checkout & The Chaser were quiz shows.
Yes I like to make a cup of tea then sit down in the lounge & watch " Who wants to be a Millionaire" .. I really enjoy it
Only the two Chases at 3pm and 5pm on 7.
by Rice
I love Hot Seat and The Chaser. I call out the answers and get quite involved in it. I went to see Hot Seat being filmed. It was heaps of fun but it was a long day, with five shows being filmed in one day. I guess it would be hard for Eddie to be cheerful and making us laugh for all that time, as well.
Addicted to the Eggheads so the 4-30 pm timeslot suits us very well plus there are no ads. The play of quiz characters is an added bonus, Daphne is delightful.
I think most of the quiz shows here are pretty banal, and some really insult your intelligence. One of the best quiz shows I have ever seen was one called "University Challenge" shown on British TV years ago. That was a real test for anyone who was interested in general knowledge.
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This show is currently screening on the ABC at 8
ID: 34417
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