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Do you walk out of a shop if you dislike the music played inside?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by phosto, morguefile.com

I was tempted to walk out of a shop recently because I found the music being played offensive. But, I couldn't afford to be picky, so I told one of the store-people I found the music offensive instead of leaving.

Do you walk out of a shop if you dislike the music played inside, and do you let your opinions be heard or just ignore the music?

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It would depend on the shop, how desperately I needed to shop there (are they the only place selling whatever it is, how much do I want or need it....) and whether I could be bothered to say anything!
Most likely I would just walk out and spend my money somewhere else.
Tell the staff.
Why L O U D music has GOT to be played in shops & Shopping Centres', I cannot fathom!
It's SO off putting!
Had to complain at Woolies' few weeks' ago. The music was SO loud, I literally couldn't think. Asked them to turn it down. They did.

Often have to ring Centre Management at local Westfield S/C due excessively loud overhead music throughout Centre.
Makes it very difficult to have a conversation with someone in Coffee Shop!

WHY? To me it's NOT conducive to spending $$$, & isn't that what they want you to do?
Talk about dumb & dumber!
I would do what you did!

I too have found the music offensive at times, and wonder?....if the owner knew.
Maybe it is young staff, who feel they can play that stuff.
One thing is certain, someone has dropped the ball when you have customers.
I would let my opinion be heard, and then leave.
If the shop is playing music loudly or music I don't like then it is probably a shop that I am not interested in going into in the first place.
if i see what i want then i will just hurry to buy what i want and leave but if i don't have to go in then i wont
yes I will walk out, well they have just lost a customer, like a bit of quite when shopping not the loud music that greets you as you enter

If its just annoying I'll go in but if it involves cussing then I'd take my business elsewhere.
by Gia
Yes, nowadays I probably would as cannot cope with loud music anymore -unless it is my own of course!
Some of the shops have it so loud that i walk in the door and walk straight out again.
by Finy
I'm with you there Finy. Just can't tolerate the loud music.
by helga
if music is playing I walk out as usually it is too loud, I like a bit of quiet when shopping I can think about what I am buying with music it is impossible. remember the days of musac that was a disaster for people who needed to concentrate on their work, always took longer to do it.
Yes! It is the volume that gets to me. So rude.
by Rice
No, not really, I just put up with it.
Yes I do if it is really loud and distracting or if gone in for a certain item and no queue then I may just grab pay and out.
It depends on the music, and the shop, but I hate it when the music is so loud you can't even think, so at that time it would walk out.
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