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Do you usually add salt to your cooking?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you often add salt to your cooking or are you conscious of not eating too much salt?

#Salt in food
#Salt in cooking
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I don't often add salt to my cooking, even though I know it tastes so much better with salt.

I have high blood pressure and cholesterol so I try not to use too much salt.

Salt is in most things anyway, and I think I have got used to the sometimes bland taste without the addition of salt.
by Finy
I love salt, and know it's not great for you, so I try to salt my food after I've cooked it to reduce the quantity I use.
by Vee
No but I often put a bit on my food...try not to but particularly when I eat eggs I seems to need a bit of sant...simply LOVE ground pepper on everything savoury
by fran
I never add salt to anything. I can't stand salt on my food. I have never liked it.
by AJ
You're lucky, AJ. I wish I hated salt. I like it way too much.
by Vee
Not often.
I'm mindful I don't need toooo much!
I always add sea salt to cooking because our bodies need salt. Good quality sea salt is linked to lower blood pressure as well.

You couldn't pay me to add table salt to anything, it's table salt that will poison you, but unfortunately all salt has been lumped in together!
I'm going out to get me some Sea Salt.
That's a winner :)
by jonaja
I have never heard of salt being good for that! even sea salt -it is still salt!
by Finy
Our bodies NEED salt though. It's the processing that makes table salt so unhealthy. A sensible amount of sea salt is good for you!
by meggf
Ensure any salt you do buy is 'iodised', for the sake of your thyroid's good health!
Yes, we MUST have an intake of salt, as our bodies' need it. But as with all things, in MODERATION is the key.

Trivia Time: in ancient times, Roman Soldiers' were paid in salt. That's where our word 'salary' comes from!
And I suppose the number of miles a RS marched daily, he'd need salt at its' end!
by donjo
Just a little bit to taste
Yes, but not too much. Our bodies do need salt.
by Rory
I don't cook much but I would add some salt to season. Just a little.
Always. The human body needs salt. It's about having the right amount, not cutting it out altogether.
I use Vogel's Vegetable salt,rather than regular salt for any time I feel a need for salt. It is a mix of vegetables,herbs,spices and a little bit of salt.It has way more depth than plain Salt and imparts a delicious level of flavour to all my dishes and even to sandwiches.
Yep, Himalayan
If recipe requires it. But, literally a pinch, usually!
I use sea salt in cooking but don't need to salt when the food is on the plate but I do have to have it on eggs and tomato. Food just doesn't taste the same without it.
When cooking Spaghetti, I add it. But that's all.
I do enjoy salt on hot chips, tomato, & potato, whichever way it's cooked!
Always buy 'Iodized' salt.
I never add salt to cooking despite what a recipe says. I always taste my cooking before serving but it has never needed extra salt. I do however add salt after cooking to things like hot chips. Yes. We do need some salt in our diets, but most of us get more than we need. Processed food have way too much salt. You would be surprised how much salt we consume on a daily basis. It seems to be in everything. There is no need to add any, but I know I am guilty of doing this sometimes.
I do like Sea Salt, or Rock Salt.
And want to try the Himalayan Pink Salt.

I steam my veggies, so no salt on them during cooking process.
I only put a tiny pinch salt in, while cooking the spaghetti, as it stops it from sticking. When the dinner in on the plates, I'll grind pepper over the vegetables. I only use salt & pepper grinders, never the shakers. And I add the salt to my meat dishes, as they cook, if the recipe calls for it. I also have the pink salt that someone gave me in a Christmas 'Kris Kringle' hamper! 1 year.
by Miro
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