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Do you use the expression DIED or PASSED AWAY?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you use the expression "died" or "passed away" and any reason for this?

#Passed away
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For some reason, and I do not know why, it really annoys me when people say he "passed away".

I always say died which is the truth....passed away to me is ridiculous somehow!
by Finy
Me too. Seems like avoidance of the truth.
by annfi
I use both of them. I also say "gone" to refer to death.
by Gia
I usually say 'died',though if I am aware of the reaction when someone I am talking to, may be negative in the extreme,due to their sensitivity about the word 'died',then I will say 'passed away' out of respect for their feelings.
I generally use the expression 'died'. But sometimes I might say 'passed away'.
by AJ
"Died". I think "passed away" is meant to soften the blow, and I would be careful of what I said if I was actually breaking the news of someone's death to one of their loved ones but otherwise I don't like the expression. I don't know why.
I prefer the term "died". Sometimes I use "passed away" if that's what others around me are saying, but otherwise died is more appropriate.
I use both, but haven't decided why I might choose one over the other. I believe there is life after death, so pass away is more in keeping with my spiritual beliefs.
by Vee
Died, because that's correct terminology, & what has actually happened.

'Passed away', to me, has some very 'gallows humour' mental pictures', so I don't say it!

I use 'died'.

My Brother rang me once many years ago and said ''we have lost Simon''.

For a minute it left me wondering what my brother was telling me.

Passed away is a gentle way, it has it's place and I would use it in certain circumstances.

I once had to phone a friend and say his Father had 'passed away', and could not have said died.That would have been too harsh for me to say.Esp on the phone.

Having the presence of mind to 'think' before we give such news I believe can make a significant difference.People always remember times when given bad news.

I know that the Police may at times say''We no longer have Ian with us''.
I am not sure if I like it...or....not.
After all, they did not know that person.

It depends on a lot of things, but I do know one thing...it should always be said with compassion.
I have had one given to me like a blow to the head!!! and I nearly fell down in shock.

It would have to be one of life's most hated things to have to say......

I used "died". But I like Alexander McCall Smith's character Precious Ramostwe when she refers to a deceased father as "being late".
When my husband died, I hated when people used the expression "passed away" or "lost" as if he was a handbag. I aways use the expression "died" as unfortunately that is the hard fact when someone is deceased.
It depends on the person I'm speaking to. I had a 90 year old cousin who used to say "she fell off her perch" which pretty well summed everything up. I've been known to say "he/she had a good innings" for an older individual.
Oh yes....this same cousin also used to use the attractive term "carked it".
By the way....my cousin fell off his perch 3 years ago...but never mind - he WAS 90 so he'd had a good innings.....
"Fell off their perch" - what a great expression. I haven't heard that one before but could only imagine using it for someone very old who I wasn't too close to. I'll have to remember that one.
I've usually said 'died', until last month when my father 'passed away' because I couldn't say 'died' about someone close to me.
I use the pagan terminology "passed over". Seems a lot softer to me.
This is something I really struggle with! I hate the phrase passed away but I feel so uncomfortable and rude to say died. Sometime I rephrase my question so I can avoid saying anything at all...

by Jane
I am not happy to use euphemisms and avoid them if at all possible. When my father died, I changed his outgoing phone message to tell people he had died. Not sure my sibs were OK with that but it was my task.
I once had a phone message that stated my sister-in-law was 'gone'. If not for the emotion in the voice, I would have thought she had left my brother.
I use the term died. It may seem blunt to some , but it leaves no room for ambiguity and feels honest. If it seems too harsh I will use passed away.
I notice sometimes people use the term crossed( as to the other side) or passed over. Not keen on either of those. I don't like the term "lost"- it sounds like an act of carelessness.i don't love the term "late" but it can be helpful.
I tend to like the word passed away, it sounds nicer to me, although I don't know why?
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