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Do you use strawberries in cooking?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikipedia

Do you use strawberries in cooking?

#Cooking with fruit
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The way the strawberries taste here at the moment, that is all they are good for!
They are tasteless, hard/and/or going rotten, and I have stopped buying them for the moment.

They are very cheap but only suitable to cook with however I rarely use them to cook with.

The above photo does look delicious however!
by Finy
I remember even 40 years ago, they were then slightly tasteless?
Lovely to look at, and decorate with, but not much else.
by jonaja
I only cook strawberries when making cheesecake, as pictured above actually :) However, I love strawberries in salad!
Me too. I love fresh fruit in a salad. (and cashews or almonds too.)
by Rice
I am not fond of cooked stawberries and I never eat strawberry jam. I prefer fresh strawberries and it is so upsetting when they are, as Finy says, "tasteless, hard/and/or going rotten" :((((
by Rice
I don't cook with strawberries. I don't buy them that often. I do have blueberries everyday during the spring and summer.
by AJ
I dont cook them. My wife will buy them frozen on the rare occasion. They are very expensive when available. I do not favour them over any other fruit so I wont go out of my way to get them.
I use strawberries mainly for making desserts. I make some delightful strawberry desserts, and not just cheesecake.
I would normally cook strawberries if I am making some sort of glaze for cheesecakes or other cakes, or a filling for a pie. I just about love strawberry anything.
Not of late, I think 20 something years ago, sure Had plenty of family around, and I did more cooking....I don't buy them so much, and have stopped a lot of cooking etc.
No I've never used strawbs in cooking. mainly for sweet desserts or I guess I can say I have cooked for jams.

Only eat them by themselves, or as Dessert, with fresh cream, or icing sugar, sprinkled over.
I do like them to be very cold!
I absolutely ADORE fresh strawberries!!! I have NEVER bought frozen berries,as they come from all different countries .I sometimes have added strawberries to a crumble dessert ,and I have made jam with them too, but I prefer them cold,fresh and dipped in Nutella!!! YUM!!!Otherwise I simply chop them up,add the pulp of several Panama Passion-fruits which I have growing in my North Qld garden, and stir through a tiny amount of brown sugar!!! I can really pig out on strawberries,especially during the long winter-through-Spring Qld season!!! They were excellent quality this year,plentiful and extremely cheap!!! As soon as the season ended though,they quadrupled in price!!
No I don't cook with them, I just have them on my home made pancakes & we have them on our cereal every other morning. I'm writing this in Jan '17, & the Aldi strawberries have been excellent for the last 3/4 months at least. We find the bigger ones have more taste than the little ones, even though of cause theres not so many of them in the 'box'
by Miro
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