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Do you use specialist tools or substitute?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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For things like DIY, cooking, gardening, and other household chores, do you always make sure that you have the equipment especially designed for the task, or will you make do with what you've got, and improvise?

Does it depend on how often you do a certain task? For example, if there is a DIY job that needs doing that has special power tools for specific job, would you buy them to make sure that it is done right, even if you are unlikely to use them again (or very often), or would you use inferior tools and save yourself the money?

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Yes I use very specialist tools -a handyman!
I am unable to use this type of tool as have always had someone to do it for me, hence I have about 100 pictures not put on my walls at the moment!

In the kitchen however is very different -i seem to have a lot of "tools" and have many modern inventions and things to make my life in the kitchen easier.
I buy things there and often rarely use them, so yes, I buy for specific jobs but then again I spend money easily.
by Finy
I've found that using inferior tools can sometimes result in things going wrong, like the tool slipping and a finger getting drilled instead, so I stick to the specialist tool. If it's too expensive or unlikely to be needed again, I'd rather get someone else to so the job.
I tend to make do with what is the closest, love the adventure of improvisation.
At the very best you discover an exciting new use for a piece of equipment / utensil and at the very worst you end up with an amusing tale to share at your next get together with friends. That is , if you are game enough to confess!
Honestly I dont use tools at all.
I don't do DIY or gardening, but if I am baking or doing some kind of art, I usually make do with what I have rather than buy the proper equipment, For example, I use the end of an apple corer and bowl instead of a mortar and pestle, and I don't have a big whisking machine, just a small electric handheld one.
After doing a lot of DIY jobs, some you have to buy the right tool.Even when it was done, I knew I would not use that tool again ...I just gave it to my son.

Some things I have made do and with my own way to fix it.

It depends on the extent of the job.
How important for a proper outcome...If a big job, you can't skip.
You are at the mercy of that job.
Sometimes, you can use cheaper tools...but it's about finding a good balance.
If a tool broke, then that's throwing money down the drain.

I tend to make do with what is the closest, love the adventure of improvisation.
At the very best you discover an exciting new use for a piece of equipment / utensil and at the very worst you end up with an amusing tale to share at your next get together with friends. That is , if you are game enough to confess!
I tend to make do with what is the closest, love the adventure of improvisation.
At the very best you discover an exciting new use for a piece of equipment / utensil and at the very worst you end up with an amusing tale to share at your next get together with friends. That is , if you are game enough to confess!
Apologies not sure why this posting has duplicated!
I tend to make do with what is the closest, love the adventure of improvisation.
At the very best you discover an exciting new use for a piece of equipment / utensil and at the very worst you end up with an amusing tale to share at your next get together with friends. That is , if you are game enough to confess!
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