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Do you use softener?

by Vee (follow)
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Do you use softener?

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No. The wash I use works well with a drop or two of eucalyptus oil and I haven't found any hypoallergenic ones that would suit our various needs.
Thanks a good idea. Do you put it straight into the water or in the softener dispenser?
by Vee
Straight in. Particularly for the dog blankets.
by Naomi
...Wash or rinse cycle? LOL.
by Vee
I occasionally use it on towels and sheets, but not my regular washing.
BritishStorm, I use vinegar for my towels. I once heard that softener doesn't actually do your washing any favours. I haven't bothered looking that up to confirm it, but I prefer vinegar because it's simpler. LOL.
by Vee
I rarely use it but for some reason my husband seems to use it by the bucketload.
I've explained to him that more does not mean better and he just doesn't get it.
They never do, Belinda. They never do - LOL.
by Vee
Not often as I probably should. I like to use it on towels and sheets. It makes them smell very good.
Never. It is bad for washing machines so I use vinegar as a rinse aid as advised by washing machine repair person years ago. Vinegar also removes any left over washing powder from the clothes as it is an anti-sudsing agent.
by Rice
There you go. It's bad for machines and clothes. It can build up on clothes and cause yellowing and make towels less absorbent. Dum. Dum. Dummm.
by Vee
Our grannies knew best, it seems. We have been hijacked by marketing ploys :(
by Rice
Rice, you are right if by "we" you mean people in general. Otherwise, we two haven't been had by anyone! LOL!
by Vee
Flying the banner for Ladies Who Will Not Be Hoodwinked . . . . . Hahahahaha. What a shame there is no acronym there - although it may spell something in Welsh!! LOL
by Rice
:-D LOL!
by Vee
No, I don't see the point of adding them in my laundry.
by sns
Never in my washing machine. Was told by repair man that it builds up and your washing machine won't last. my washing machine is 12 years old so must be something in it. I'll use vinegar or borax.
I use it only for my towels. I have used vinegar but found it doesn't soften the towels like the fabric softener does. Once in a while I give the washing machine a cycle containing washing soda only (no clothes) which is also something washing machine manufacturers used to recommend years ago.
I would rather spend money on chocolate.
by Vee
I like too.
Only because my washing is much nicer, and not as many crushed clothes.
I only ever use half of what they say, so the washing is just perfect.
I used to use softener when I was washing and spinning my llama wool however as I havent done this for some time, I do not use softener.
I was told it is not good for towels as they do not dry well if you use it.
by Finy
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