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Do you use Skype?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: franky242 - www.freedigitalphotos.net

Do you keep in visual touch with people via Skype or other similar programmes?

Do you put make up on (if you are a female) for this?

Who do you actually use this great form of communication with?

#Staying in touch
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Top Answers
I know how wonderful is Skype!!!
I haven't used it of late, but my brother in another State was the last time I used it.
Who would have thought years ago, you could talk to someone other than a phone?
I don't worrie about how I look to much, just my hair that's all.
I was talking to my sis and her hubby one day and I realised that I looked naked as I was wearing a sarong. So embarrassing!! I had to stand up to prove I had clothes on. LOL
by Rice
I use Skype to talk to my husband when he is away from home, and together we use it to keep in touch with members of his family who live overseas. No, I don't wear make-up for the camera. I don't wear make up unless it's a special occasion, and appearing on Skype is not a special occasion. Besides, the webcam doesn't show that much detail anyway!
by Vee
I used to always use Skype when I had a lot of Overseas visitors, and my relations still use it so my granddaughter can speak to her relations overseas.
I use to aim the camera only at my face as half the time I am not properly dressed!
by Finy
My family lives in India and I regularly Skype chat with them. Other great application to video chat is Google Hangouts.
It must be great for you Smita -for some people it must bring them closer than the thousands of kms away that they are!
by Finy
Totally Finy.
In fact when my husband was away for work for a month, Skype is what kept me going. Even though it was just an hour in a day, I thank whoever invented this technology, every minute. Otherwise I dunno how I'd have lived that month.
by Smita
I don't use Skype. I don't particularly like talking to people face to face to begin with; I'd feel even more self conscious doing so over the computer.
I don use Skype as I prefer email to communicate stories when friends are away. My husband uses it a lot to talk to his family as they live all around the world. If he's on Skype and I pop in to say hello, I make sure to look presentable first because they are my inlaws and I would make an effort if they were visiting.

Yes I do use skype to chat with my parents.
Yes I do use skype to chat with my parents.
Yes. But I don't much like it since I hate being photographed.
Shane LeRoy
Nope, but I also don't want people seeing me on the phone (they'd see me emailing and unstacking the dishwasher etc). That said , I also never ring anyone unless I have to. I'd rather organise a meet up in person...
I use Skype to contact people (especially my parents) when they are overseas. Free and easy!
No, that form of communication interests me not one jot!
Yes I use it all the time. I have family and friends all over the world, especially UK, Europe and USA so am on skype virtually every day at some time. Don't make any particular effort with appearance other than to check I look ok.
Skype, wonderful Skype,
How we ad-ore you!
Any time of the night,
But not on the loo-oo.

by Rice
Very good Rice! I can see you are poet in disguise!
by Miro
No, I've ever used Skype. I'd feel like I was wasting the other person's time & I don't liked to be 'looked at' while talking on the phone. But I don't mind how long I spend, sending emails to friends!
by Miro
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