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Do you use organic detergent or one with chemicals in it?

by Finy (follow)
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Organic (8)      Chemicals (5)      Dishwashing liquid (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you use organic dishwashing liquid or one with chemicals in it?

If chemicals -do you thoroughly rinse them after washing?

#Dishwashing liquid
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I have used organic washing up detergent for some years now.

I hate the thought of washing in something that has chemicals in it as there could be a residue that stays behind -but then again I think I am slightly OCD in some things!
by Finy
They're all made of chemicals, even the organic ones. I always rinse the dishes after because eating soap isn't good for you.
You know what, Jennifer? I've never understood those people who wash their dishes with soap and leave them to dry soapy. These people clearly have no idea that eating soap is bad for you. :|
by Vee
Me too! Hot water with vinegar in it. I would never buy a house without a double sink in the kitchen.
by Rice
I'll bet that is something your mother taught you.
by grann
This isn't something that worries me. I use Eco friendly dishwasher powder and I just use normal washing up liquid for washing things that can't go in the dishwasher
by AJ
I only ever use 'Earth' dishwashing detergent.

I have always rinsed my 'washed' dishes well....after washing anyway, in cool water to make sure they have nothing left on them.

Extra work, but well worth it.
Having had allergies all of my life,I am fanatical about proper rinsing of every item I wash,whether it is dishes or clothing or manchester items!! I use the Eco-Friendly ranges of washing products and have done for so as long as I can recall.
Just buy 'Woolies' brands for either in-sink washing, or electronic Dishwasher.

They've always cleaned crockery & cutlery, to my satisfaction!
I don't use an organic washing detergent, but I do use one that is grey water safe and is not tested on animals.
by Vee
I use whatever 1 Aldi sells. I ALWAYS rinse everything after washing up anyway.
by Miro
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