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Do you use many chemicals to clean your home?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you use many chemicals to clean your house?

#Clean house
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I use mainly Enjo and you do not need chemicals with this expensive brand -it is wonderful and far better than the cheaper alternatives.

The only place I use chemicals is in the bathroom, and also I use Gumption in the kitchen sink every few weeks.

Otherwise I use my Enjo for things like the s/s hot plates and fittings, and they all come up beautifully -no chemicals needed.

I also sometimes use vinegar however the special glass cloth from Enjo does not need anything apart from a bit of water.

NO I am NOT an agent for Enjo!!
by Finy
Oh my gosh, Finy. I found the best cloth for glass. It was on one of those special things at Aldi. If I had known then what I was buying, I would have bought 10 packs. Wonderful. Absolutely no streaks and no fluff. I don't mind Enjo, but they sometimes require a lot of muscle. These cloths just glide. And I don't even know what they are called because I've thrown out the packet. :-|
by Vee
I try to use as little in the way of chemicals as possible, and the ones I do use are all grey water safe and non-toxic, etc.
by Vee
Here we go again....LOL

No I only use disinfectant, and dishwashing liq.

What I use for a Great Deal of my cleaning is the famous 'Magic Sponge'.

They can clean just about anything...with water....Totally AMAZING! :)
Now that I actually think about this subject,I can honestly say that I use VERY FEW chemicals at all in my house!! I do always have disinfectant such as Dettol in the house and I use vinegar a lot. Otherwise water and a decent cloth are usually my weapon of choice!! I guess it is due to having had lifelong allergies to so many things!
What she said. LOL
by Rice
We have to be a bit careful what we use because it ends up on the garden, and most cleaning products irritate my skin anyway, so I use mostly microfibre cleaning cloths and water.I use bicarbonate of soda to scrub the shower, bath and sink and I have a spray that cleans stains/gets the smell out of upholstery and carpets (it's got enzymes in it that "eat" the stain).
I do. I use washing up liquid, dishwasher powder, furniture polish, bleach. It's scaring me thinking about how many chemicals I do use.
by AJ
I must admit that I do. I use Dettol Spray and Wipe for most surfaces in the bathrooms and the toilet. I use Earth Choice for all the wet area floors. I use Metholated spirits on all other floor surfaces as we have wooden floors. Looking at what I have just written, I don't use as many chemicals as I thought.
Have used 'Gumption' Paste all my life, same as my Mum.

For quick clean use, 'Pine O' Clean' or 'Spray & Wipe' sprays.
Fraid so......my workmates called me the Chemical Queen. Love trying things out to see how quick and how well they work.

I wish they worked as well as they do in the adverts on TV. I have yet to find a product that only requires a spray and ONE quick wipe to clean ANYTHING.
by mwrag
Bi-carb. Vinegar. Essential oils. Probably fly spray would be my biggest downfall. I hate creepies!
by Rice
Oh Yes!!! I forgot about my insect spray,though I do use the most eco-friendly one I can!!!
by Jules
Everything you see touch and smell has a chemical composition. Some chemicals are known to be bad and I guess that is what you are really asking about.
I avoid dangerous chemicals and make my own household cleaner with vinegar, bi carb, dishwashing liquid and essential oils. It is very effective. I have some very good microfibre cloths that help too. In the laundry I choose a powder that I believe is eco friendly.
I avoid insect sprays, bleach, unsafe chemicals in shampoo and shower products etc.
Our house is run completely on rain water that goes through three filters, so we avoid chlorine and flouride that most people come into contact with without a thought.
We grow some of our own food and keep chickens that are fed mainly organic food to also limit our exposure to harmful chemicals.

We have a council cleaning lady thank heavens. She use whatever products we have in the cupboard, but yes she does use the commercial brands, though discussing it with her, I think she would prefer to use green, or organic cleaners, I think the council wants that for its' cleaners too.
loads of them all the time but mostly for the bathrooms and kitchen not much everywhere else just water and a cloth to dust everything
I try not to as the chemicals can be harmful to your health. Vinegar, tea tree oil and bicarb soda are my best friends!
I use a few chemicals in my house cleaning.One set for cleaning the bathroom, a different set for the kitchen and still a different set for the living room.
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