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Do you use hot water each time you wash your hands?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you wash your hands in hot or cold water?

#Wash hands
#hot water
#Cold water
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Top Answers
No i rarely do.
Even in winter, by the time I wait for the water to heat up I have finished washing my hands, so I generally do not bother.

In summer I certainly would not as the cool water is a relief.
by Finy
I always use the hot tap to wash my hands
by AJ
I usually use cold water, my water does not heat up quickly enough and I waste water...occasionally if I feel my hands are very diry, I will run the tap til it is hot
by fran
Cold. I'd waste at least 7 litres waiting for the hot water to arrive!
No. It has to be really hot to kill germs, which would just scald your hands, so I just rely on using the soap properly.
No, I use water at normal temperature to wash hands. Do not like using hot water, makes my skin really dry.

by BK
No I usually wash my hands in water from the cold tap. In winter I half-fill a bucket with fairly warm water to soak my arthritic hands in to get some movement and relief,but this is not washing my hands. My physiotherapist suggested this little routine and it has helped quite often!
Oh! Jules, do you add 'Radox' powder to the water, to soothe your ailment?
by donjo
Oh yes!! I ADORE Radox! or even just ordinary Epsom Salts with my favourite essential oil!! I even lent(or I should say GAVE) some epsom salts to my neighbour when she hurt her shoulder,and wanted to soak in the bathe! These are a staple in my house and I never run short of them! I will often put some into my huge aforementioned bucket,with warm water and Lavender Oil(the real stuff!!) and sit with my feet in this while reading or watching TV!!
by Jules
I like to use warm water at all times.

I never use cold water in winter.
When my hands aren't that dirty I use cold water and soap when they are very dirty I rinse in cold water to get as much off as I can and finish off with soap and hot water.
I do, but we have instant hot water so there isn't wastage while the water heats.
Warm water. I have a really hard time keeping my hands under cold water.
Cold, but I use a little scrubbing brush too. My water takes ages to heat.
by Rice
No, but the foam wash hand cleaner does have anti-bacterial in it and I wash my hands well.
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