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Do you use hair spray?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Hair (56)      Style (23)      Brand (4)     
Photo by imagerymajestic, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you use hair spray? Do you prefer a particular brand? Or do you generally avoid it?

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No. I hate the feel of it.
I don't like hair spray.
No, and never want to either.
I hate the feel of it, but if I spend the small amount of money for a blow dry after a hair cut, I insist the hairdresser absolutely plasters my hair with it as, without it, the blow dried style only lasts between 5 and 10 minutes. If it is a windy day, without hairspray the style lasts between 2 and 3 minutes. Guess I'm just tight with money.
I have too, and only a tad...but it really is a help, to keep all those little bits together.
Anyway I'm a Baby Boomer, show me one that has not used it.
In the 60's we had the''beehive hairdo'', and that took a half a tin!!!
I remember walking out of the hairdressers, loaded down and half drunk on the fumes, of that half a tin.
p.s. The one I love is a green spray tin of 'Taft', it's very good.
by jonaja
I used to use a Tresemme hair spray last year for a while, but then stopped after my hair felt brittle like grass. I just stick to shampoo and conditioner now, followed by hair drying.
I avoid it! I don't like the way it makes my hair feel.
I hate it. Makes the hair feel like hay
I don't use it on myself, and I had my hair professionally straightened and curled last week and the hairdresser used it on me. I was swamped under by fumes which made me remember why I don't use it!
Yes I do and mousse and hair product, and yet it is not enough to keep it looking tidy by the end of the day. Guess my hair simply has a mind of it's own and refuses to conform!
That's right Shelley. I have very fine baby hair, straight as a dye but I have a LOT of that fine baby hair and it is greasy. If I have a blow style and IF the hairdresser has snuck a little bit of conditioner in at wash time, the style will not hold more than 10 minutes (unless I plaster with hairspray). I also use the voluminising mousse before the blow dry. I had to physically demonstrate to the hairdresser the length of time my hair would NOT last in a slight breeze. Once we established that I was right and she was not, I got the styling done for Cup Week. She took a lot of convincing.
by fran.
Ah, someone that understands! Lots and lots of fine hair, not so much of an issue with oilness but as soon as it becomes humid my hair just plasters to my head, most attractive!
The best weapon I have is a good regular hair cut so I am working with it not fighting against what nature gave me.
I don't like hair spray.
I use it on most days. I don't like the idea of it, but my hair can have a mind of its own at the best of times.
by Vee
No, if you have a good hair cut, you don't need to spray it to hold it in place. Besides, it's like a fine spay of varnish, why would you bother?
No I do not use hair spray, as I don't like the "stickiness" it produces.

My hair is very short and apart from one side -which is long and red (!), I don't really need it anyway.
by Finy
NO not for years, & the last few times I did use it, it was to spray onto home made greeting cards, so the crayon wouldn’t smudge.
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