Do you use fresh ginger in cooking or the bottled variety?
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I rarely buy fresh giner as I find it difficult to grate.
I think it would probably taste better than the bottled variety however the bottled one is just SO convenient that I keep using it.
Hi finy. If you haven't got back to this question to look at all the replies, try putting your ginger into a paper bag in the freezer. (I also put a rubber band around it, just to keep the paper bag closed!) It will last for years, & grates far better this way, while 'frozen' (Did your grand-daughter enjoy the Frozen movie?)
I use FRESH ginger which I grow in pots! It is a lovely sweet variety which I first grew from a small piece I purloined from a good friend's incredible tropical vegie plot in Tully ,(Nth Qld).I have been sure to always keep a piece growing, no matter how much of it I harvest and share with others who also love it! Rather than grate it, I shred it with a potato peeler.I have even soaked these shreds in honey and they are wonderful to chew when feeling Nauseous,
I don't use any kind of ginger in my cooking - it makes me vomit! Everyone else I know loves ginger and my husband keeps a bottle in the fridge so that he can add it to his portions after cooking.... so I do have some in the house!
Hi Jules, is it possible to grow some indoors ? Unfortunately I do not have a backyard :(
Oh yes. This is one of my all time favorites. I buy fresh ginger and grate or mince as needed. The flavour complements so many foods and make a really nice drink.
I LOVE using Australian GINGER. I grate it for my recipes, & keep it in a small paper bag, with a rubber band around it, in the FREEZER. It’s easier to grate when it’s straight from the freezer, & keeps for years like that, although of cause my mice doesn’t last that long!
P.S: We now have a grand-daughter named GINGER! (Her elder sister wanted to to be called Chilli!)
I use the bottle variety. I'm not much of a cook and I tend to go for anything that is easy.
I use ground ginger in cooking. Al other types are far too strong and pungent for me.
I love ginger so when I buy it I buy fresh ginger
I use the crushed garlic in a jar...prob not quite as pungent but fine for me
I've just started growing my own ginger! I prefer fresh - I like it as a tea with lemon and honey.
We don't use any, never have for 30 years.
I know....I know.... :(
Fresh!!! The bottled stuff has a strange flavour from the additives. I think it's malt, or is that in garlic?
Don't use any ginger-type in cooking.
But do love Aussie Crystallized Mild Ginger to eat with dried fruit, & some Cottage Cheese, as an enjoyable snack, now & again!
Ginger has a myriad of health benefits so I always use it, organic and fresh. I chop it finely and use it in asian style meals.
I always Use fresh Ginger for cooking. it is very good if you use in your cooking... some people dont like the smell, or they get peaces in food, in this case they can smash or scrape in scraper.
I always Use fresh Ginger for cooking. Ginger has a myriad of health benefits so I always use it, organic and fresh. I chop it finely and use it in asian style meals.
it is very good if you use in your cooking... some people dont like the smell, or they get peaces in food, in this case they can smash or scrape in scraper.
I love fresh ginger. I use it in a lot of things including tea. But I find it really expensive considering the amount of ginger I use :( I need to start growing some ginger soon !
It has to be Australian Ginger which has a much better flavour & a fabulous texture.
The Chinese stuff is low in flavour and very, very woody & fibrous - horrible cheap stuff which can ruin your cooking.
Buderim Ginger is brilliant - try out their Ginger cordial - it is so Yum & useful in cooking too.
Buy Australian!!!!
I use fresh ginger, the quality is much better than the bottled variety. When the ginger is at its cheapest in the shops, I purchase about 1 kg and then peel it and cut it into thin slices. After that I place it in a Tupperware container in the fridge BUT I make sure the ginger slices are covered with sherry (I've used dry or cream). The ginger has lasted over 1 year with no sign of deterioration or lack of quality. I made noodles with the last few slices last night and need to go looking for new pieces. The ginger is always purchased when it is plump and with a shine on the skin. Beautiful.
Kaina, I used to keep my ginger in a glass jar, 1/2 filled with sherry, in the fridge. Then I found out about keeping it in the freezer, in a paper bag, It's a lot easier to grate, when it's frozen!
The smell of ginger makes me queasy, so I steer clear of it all together.
I prefer to use only fresh ingredients so I grate my own.
I use fresh ginger and put it in lots of food as it is supposed to have many health benefits.
My friend from India told me she uses fresh ginger from the freezer. Makes it easy to shave fine slices or grate and it doesn't go off. I tried this but accidently threw it out when taking frozen scraps from freezer on bin day. Oops.
Only fresh. I haven't even seen bottled where I live.
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