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Do you use chopsticks when you eat out at Asian restaurants?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you use chopsticks when you eat out at Asian places?

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I am born left handed and made to change at school and there are some things I have a problem with.
Chopsticks is one of them - although I write now with my right hand, I use my left for chopsticks, and think my brain is totally confused.
I DO sometimes use the chopsticks when eating out at Asian - mainly when we are given them, but sometimes, and depending what food it is, I ask for a fork and spoon half way through the meal.
Chopsticks are good for me, however, as I am a very fast eater and eating with chopsticks slows me down considerably.
by Finy
I am also a fast eater... because I like eating my food when it is hot! So I giggled at you saying it slowed you down.
speaking of using the other hand, I read many moons ago that one should use both hands as it excercises both sides of the brain, meaning the left hand uses the right side of the brain and vice versa. So I taught myself to use the left hand for many tasks like brushing teeth, picking up, stirring etc etc.
by brigi

It depends on my mood. Somedays I just can not be bothered lol
I love using chopsticks when I'm eating out, but I will admit to having the occasional epic fail moment where something falls and sauce splashes everywhere.

I think it enhances the fun of the evening :)
Nevr had chopstick talent :(
by Rice
No. I'm a bit uncoordinated, so I stick with what I can use, which is a knife and fork or spoon.
Yes, my siblings & I were taught by our father, about 55 years ago, then he taught my husband to be, so we have always used them, while out at restaurants, & for homemade Chinese meals also.
by Miro
If I am eating sushi, yes. Otherwise, I am more inclined to use a fork. Sorry. LOL.
by Vee
We only eat sushi on the go, with our eldest grand-daughter, so it's hand wash & fingers, Vee!
by Miro
miro_, we only ever eat sushi when we are at the local sushi train. LOL. I would feel awkward eating it with my fingers.
by Vee
Yes I do. However as time goes on I find it is becoming difficult because of the arthritis in my hands.
Yes, makes that authentic food taste better. I manage to eat most things with the sticks and rarely ask for western utensils unless it is soup LOL!
Yes I use chopsticks when eating Asian food where appropriate. I learnt it is a no no with Thai food. Indian food is traditionally eaten with only the right hand with and no cutlery which I find very challenging . I usually resort to a fork and spoon.
I also use chopsticks sometimes when cooking and have found them useful for other tasks in the kitchen. Very versatile implements. .
Yep, unless it's fried rice, which I find can be tricky to manage. I like to with noodles, veg etc.
I sometimes use chopsticks. I like using them - it makes me concentrate more on what I'm eating
by AJ
Depends on thd restaurant I'm eating in. Sometimes they are placed on the table and other times we have to ask for them. I recall when we were in America we ate at the Chinese restaurant in Anaheim and all of us asked for chopsticks. It was quite funny as we noticed other diners seemed to be mesmerised with our using them .
No, I don't have the patience with chopsticks.
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