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Do you use all the keys and functions on your keyboard?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you use all the keys and functions on your keyboard?

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I used a lot of the keys and functions when I worked as my job involved using a lot of symbols as well. I created my own shortcuts for heaps of functions because I couldnt stand wasting time using drop down menus. I don't use as many on my home computer or tablet now I'm retired.
No I dont use anywhere near all the function on my keyboard which looks like the above one!

All the row on the top never gets used as well as some on the left hand side. I use the numbers on the right hand side but really do not know what many of the buttons on my keyboard even mean!

Don't know why i keep buying one that has so much I do not use, but I always do.
by Finy
No. I don't use all the functions on my keyboard because they are not necessary or important just for day to day usage. I'm sure that if they were, I would be using them.
I actually use more than 95% of the keys on the keyboard. Some much more than others.
I don't use the numbers to the far right, as that is tooo much work. LOL

I use most of them but some function keys have other key strokes you can use so I might be more used to them. I started back in the DOS days so when Windows came along I was already used to doing things in a different way.
by Rice
Oh Gosh,NO!!!!! I NEVER use the number pad on the right hand side and there are many others keys I don't use either!!! I am not the most computer literate human on the planet!!!!!
As I am only new to the computer I'd have to say no. I'm too scared to touch them. The last time I touched a button accidentally my screen shrunk so small I not only needed glasses but a magnifier just to read what was written.
No need to do so, even when at work computer!
All the keys yes. All the functions - dont think so.
No I don't use them all, only about 3/4 of them.
by Miro
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