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Do you use a slow cooker?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever use a slow cooker?

#Slow cooker
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I used to many years ago when I had children and worked during the day.

I found it very convenient but now as a non meat eater, and being home alone many days, I have no need for this, however think it is a brilliant idea for busy people.
by Finy
Yep, I love my slow cooker. It's really practical with young kids because cooking around 6pm when they're going crazy at the end of the day sucks. It's nice to have most of the cooking done earlier in the day. I like making things like stew and soup in it, but I have seen online that you can bake cakes and things in them too. Must experiment with this.
Love, love, love my slow cooker.

It is so easy and I love coming home to the smell of dinner already cooked.

Cuts down on dishes, maximises my chill out time in the evenings and it is never overcooked or undercooked.

In fact I think I might have to go and give my slow cooker a hug as it has made my life so much easier!
I love cooking in a slow cooker. I have left it in the morning and when I'm home its all done.
I use it during the holidays when I am doing a lot of dishes. Great time saver .
by Gia
I've never owned a slow cooker (but my mum has one). However, I do make recipes which require slow cooking but simply use a large saucepan and simmer for a couple of hours.
Unfortunately my answers are getting a bit boring as most of them start with....
When I was younger!
Sooooo, I used to use a slow cooker when I worked in an office, it was great to hve dinner cooked for my son and I when I got home
by Fran
All the time! I am considering buying a second pot to go inside my slow cooker as too many times I want to make something in it, only to find the pot needs washing and it would be much easier with two pots!
It's one of my best kitchen purchases ever.
Slow Cookers are simply WONDERFUL,but I rarely find myself using mine any more as I live in a very warm climate where slow cooked meals are not my usual fare. I used mine all the time when I lived in Victoria.
No I don't have one
by AJ
I use too.
But I bought a really nice big stock-pot for the stove top.I can get far more in it, so my slow cooker really is not used as much.

If I wanted to cook a difficult meat, that needed a long long time.....then yes!.Out would come the slow cooker.
Have TWO Original 'Crock-Pot's, one very large & one small. Used to have actually two large, but gave one to my daughter.

When the kids' were little, the 'pots worked hard at parties/BBQ's as were filled with any of the following......Cheerios, small corn cobs, spuds, small sausage rolls, mini pies', they kept the food warm at the correct temperature.

Now the small one is perfect for Winter Oats! Put two large spoons' worth in, fill to half-inch from top with fresh full cream milk, stir thoroughly, lid on, switch on (low only temp) & in morning a lovely bowl of hot, steaming Oats awaits. Put some in serving bowl & add Cream, & Brown Sugar OR Maple Syrup OR Golden Syrup! Yum!

The big one now gets used to make a soup, & winter Dessert of various fruit, dried, use port as the liquid, vanilla pods. Serve with Cream.
Or cook Baked Apples, using Apple Juice as liquid.

There're still PLENTY of uses' for a 'Crock-Pot'!
No I don't.
I own two; large and banquet size and use often particularly in colder weather. The banquet one I use when the family come to eat but other one for the two of us with some leftover for another day or to freeze. Couldn't live without them.
I'd love to have a slow cooker, but my husband does most of our cooking, and he's not interested in having one. I'm going to let him have his fun in the kitchen, and be prepared to encourage him greatly if and when he sees the light on the wisdom of having a slow cooker ...

I don't have a slow cooker so don't ever use one. However, I have come across numerous recipes which are for one so I am thinking about buying one.
No. I own one and see the practicality of using the appliance, but I just haven't found any recipes that use a slow cooker, that I think I would like. I keep telling myself I should make the effort to find a few good recipes for the slow cooker, but I have yet to take the time.
Yes, and I love it. Mine is multicooker that will also brown as well as pressure cooking, so it gives me the best of all worlds. I use it for things like Cuban black beans with ham hock, or any of a number of tagines, as well as more standard beef braises. I also use it to make beautiful clear plain chicken stock, which I always keep on hand.
In the past I used one for mulled wine, and a very small one for porridge.

Yes, I have just turned it on - sweet & sour pork.
yum. we eat very little meat, but sometimes the thought of this meal - and i leave my guilt about the poor animal in my 'too hard basket'
Oh yes i love my slow cooker
No I’ve never owned on. They look too heavy to have to pull out of the saucepan shelve/cupboard. I don’t work, so I can start cooking anytime of the day.
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