Do you use a paper or electronic diary?
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These days so many people tend to rely on electronic diaries to keep track of their lives. Some still use paper diaries.
Do you keep a diary? Is your diary on an electronic device, or a traditional diary made of paper? Why do you prefer the diary you choose to use?
#Time Planning
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I've always used paper diaries - they're so handy. You can stick post-it note lists on each day, write down birthday present ideas, and - when carried under an arm - look super organised when going places. I only ever write in my diary in pencil, for some reason... love the day per page diaries.
I kept a paper diary while growing up. I used it to keep ideas for fiction, to write short spattering of poetry along with daily events. Now I keep a digital diary, but Is till mostly use it to keep fiction ideas. I also use it as a writing exercise. One of my weaknesses as a fiction writer is making my characters believable and relateable, so I use my diary as a way to improve my characterization.
I don't keep a diary. If there are any dates I need remembering, I write it on the calendar.
A wall diary :) One with pretty pictures.
For the life of me, I could never use a paper diary!!
It was such a pain.
Electronic all the way, you can also set one up to remind you 24 hrs Before,
one needs to know as a reminder.
That is a huge bonus for me.
Paper. I am old school here. Easier to manage.
I use the calendar on my phone as well as a paper calendar, which I keep behind my bedroom door. I prefer the latter because I catch a glimpse of it whenever I leave my room, but I also like the one on my mobile phone because I can take it with me.
I love technology but it can't replace my paper diary, not yet anyway! I love the portability, I don't have to be concerned that I forgot to charge it or forgot to pack my charger in case it goes flat. I can scribble on it, use different colours for different activities, I can combine business and pleasure all in the same spot. I note down interesting observations, websites, businesses and of course people.
A5 'week to an opening' paper financial year diary.
Easier access, than waiting for a computer to load, & that's IF it's online!
I’ve kept a little diary since I was at boarding school, in 1962. I still have them, for every year, since then to now, in 2016! i started a diary incase the police ever asked me where I was on a certain date! For the last 10 years, I have used 1 from the Blood-bank. I write in it every day. I also have 1 on my laptop. This is handy to look at everyday & write in the meals I’m going to cook each night, because I never make the same recipe more than once in 12 months. I also have a wall calendar on the kitchen wall, with pretty flowers on it, which i write on, so my husband can see when we’re doing what or going somewhere.
I keep two A4 Diaries' now.
One is a Financial Year, & the other, Calendar.
That way, I can 'plan' 18 months' in advance!
Sorry, I meant to press: 'I like the question'
I use paper diaries, that's what I'm used to.
a paper diary small that fits into my handbag.
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