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Do you use a online symptom checker when you feel sick?

by Gia (follow)
Online (19)      Doctor (13)      Illness (8)     

There are several websites for you to check your symptoms before you visit the doctor. Do you check your symptoms online when you feel sick? Have you ever opted out of going to the doctor after you checked and simply self prescribed over the counter medication?

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Guilty as charged.

I try not to now, because when I did....it would seem like I had only months to
I always seemed to have something quite dreadful as the diagnosis for my condition, like full blown Cancer, that I had let go too long!
My doctor told me to stop looking, and so I walk 7 mins up the street and visit him.
I often check my symptoms online, but it always diagnoses me as something crazy1 So then I go to the dr and it turns out I have flu or something...
I read somewhere that this is the fastest way to convince yourself you are dying. I don't do it anymore.
by Vee
you too !! LOL
by jonaja
LOL, yep!
by Vee
So true
by Gia
I don't do it for myself as I think it is too easy to convince yourself you are more sick than you are. It's safer to just use common sense and if symptoms worsen you can always call a helpline and get expert advice (or see a doctor).

for my children I don't use a symptom checker but I might google the odd rash that I've noticed or something strange that comes up - this is more as a back up as anything serious I'd be taking them straight for actual assistance from a GP
I do not use it as a checker however I DO use it after I have been to a doctor.

OH, come to think of it, I DO also use it if it is something that does not warrant going to the doctor, but I always end up thinking I will die when I read things, so often avoid reading them!

by Finy
Using online resources to diagnose symptoms can be really troubling sometimes. One may encounter a wide array of possible problems. I sometimes use these types of websites but not very often.
Yes and by the "symptoms" I have Will be dying very soon.
by Gia
No, definitely not!
Still prefer any of my trio of GP's at Medical Centre I attend, if need be.
They've been treating me 42,35 & 12 years' respectively, & I trust them to the nth degree.
I consider myself very fortunate to have such marvellous Australian doctors' at my 'beck & call'......
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