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Do you use a GPS when driving?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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GPS, travel, driving

Do you like to use a GPS or do you find it distracting? Do you have a good sense of direction? What type of GPS do you use?

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Oh my god. I cannot stand those things. I much prefer to use my good old street directory. I have got so lost a few times with a GPS.
I'm hearing you.
My family gave me one...it lasted 1 week in my car, and it was no more!
''turn left at the next exit''? Yeah! right....
by jonaja
Yes. I don't even own a map book anymore. I have a Tom Tom and it goes everywhere with me in case I need to go somewhere I don't know the way to. I absolutely love it. I dread the day the network is down and I'm stuck somewhere and don't know my way - it has definitely made me a lazy navigator.
I wouldn't leave home without it. I have terrible sense of direction, so it's always been my lifesaver. Plus I like getting lost, especially on road trips and discovering new places. A GPS gives me peace of mind that no matter where I am, it will get me back on track.
If it is to a destination I don't know too well, most definitely. Otherwise I don't worry about it.
I use google maps all the time, but don't have a GPS.
41 years of using one of these, I'm not about to change now!

And I never ever get lost.
anytime I am someplace I don't know well, I use the maps app on my iphone, even though it doesn't use real-time GPS. My old iphone 4 used to lag about a block or so behind my location, but my new iphone 5c is much better.
I try to take my Tom Tom with me but my dad always steals it from my car!
I bought a navigation system in my car as I am so hopeless in finding places and cannot read a map.
I would now not be without it as get mental blocks when trying to thinnk how to get places.
by Finy
Hi Finy, I can't read a road map either, so I'm very glad there's other people out there who can't, My husband used to get very annoyed with me, & before Tom-Tom, he'd have to keep pulling over to the side of the road, to read the UBD himself! (But we're still married!)
by Miro
I like to use a GPS when traveling to a new destination. However I always check a road map as well so they I know in my own mind where I am going. Sometimes the GPS route is not always the best route to take.
Exactly! :)
by jonaja
Both our cars have GPS. I only use it when I am going to a place I have never been before.
I do not own a GPS and would not buy one. i google the address i'm going to before i leave the house, write i down in my own code and i'm off. i very really get lost. i have outstanding sense of direction (especially for a woman) if i'm out and i need to find a place i use a map! Gasp! shock! yes people still use paper maps
I totally depend on my GPS and I absolutely love it:) google maps is of great help when I need to get around when I am overseas.
I'm not good at using street directories, but I'm not crash hot on the GPS either. It takes forever to find a signal and sometimes takes me the longest route possible. I like to use Google Maps before going somewhere I am not familiar with and printing out a paper copy of the directions I need.
by Vee
I think GPSs are a great idea. However, mine seems to have a drinking problem and the directions I receive from it are often insane. So I've gone back to prayer (Please don't get lost) and Street Directories.
No. I have tried but found it confusing ! I like to plan out a trip using a local map and venturing out when I find places of interests.
Yes, it does help while exploring a new route or a location.
If it's a new place, I make it a point to check on Google maps before leaving. Always prefer trusting my instincts if I'm lost. The GPS is not reliable always and it clouds my instincts. Often a reason for arguments with my tech savvy hubby.
Yes we do use GPS. Its very useful.
Yes we do use GPS. Its very useful.
I am pretty good at knowing where I am going, but I do use a GPS on long trips. It gives a pretty accurate speed and a approximate time of arrival. One thing I do is turn the sound off.
Yes, would do.

I still use a UBD, if needs be, which is the modern equivalent to the 'Refidex', my Father used!
When my husband drove a lot, we used a Tom-Tom. The 'voice' would send us the wrong direction a lot of the time!
Now he only drives 5-6ks from home, for us to do the weekly food shop & see a movie on Sunday afternoons, so we don't need it anymore. The rest of the time we go out on public transport, but our suburb doesn't have a bus service on Sundays or public holidays.
by Miro
do not use a gps I have a very good sense of direction. do not need one
No, I don't use GPS in my car, my husband wanted to buy me one and I said no, I have a street directory, that's good enough.
The unit in my car is pretty good as I can select preferences for shortest route, with or without tolls and when I go a shorter way not in its program, it's pretty quick to pick up where I am and continue on with its directions. I do also carry a UBD in the boot in case I ever need to refer to it. The only negative is when I constantly go MY way and it won't retain my direction.
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