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Do you use a cloth or a sponge to wipe down your kitchen surfaces?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by mconnors, morguefile.com

Some people use cloths to wipe down their kitchen surfaces, other people use sponges. Which do you use?

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A cloth. I have quite a few of them so I can wash them often.
LOL. jonaj must be wincing! I do the same!
by Vee
Lol. I reckon a hot wash and sunlight kills enough germs, though you can always boil them if you want.
I use a cloth. I only use a sponge for washing up.
I use microfibre cloths. I have heaps of them and I wash them all the time. When they look tired I throw them away. I always make a mess with a sponge. I use a dishcloth to wash up in conjunction with a dish brush.
by Rice
All the cloths I have seen in peoples kitchens looked like they should have been thrown
out a long long long time!

I have a fear of them....So I use the sponge, and it is washed out with anti bacterial all the time, and boiling hot water.
The boiling hot water is the trick, cloths seem to collect in the fibers, and are too big also.

Apparently they are a breading ground for harmful e coli and the rest!

I have heard people say they put theirs in the washer, and that makes me wince.

jonaj, you are so funny. I didn't realise what a germaphobe you are. I have many cloths and I put them through the washer. It's one way to save money and minimise waste. ;-)
by Vee
I'm the other way round. I won't use a spong for surfaces because they are used for washing up and get manky. A cloth can be washed when it gets dirty.
Vee: I am such a 'germaphobe' I have 18 tea towels, all cotton and once one has been used for the day , it is washed (alone)....I'm also a tad of a clean freak. :/
by jonaja
You must go through a lot of water, jonaj.
by Vee
Only a tad more than what you think....lol.
by jonaja
I use a sponge. It seems to hold a lot more water and soap than a thin cloth.
I use both.
I actually use both depending on the surface.
Whichever comes to hand!
Have no preference for either, as they both do a good cleaning job, IMO.
A yellow sponge with a scorcher on the back. I use an older 1. for the cork floor tiles. (So I can tell them apart!)
by Miro
Yes,I wipe my kitchen with sponge daily to keep it neat and tidy.
Yes,I use a sponge to wipe my kitchen.
I use a yellow micro fibre cloth after seeing a review by Choice. Mine go into the washing machine and get hung in the sun. When they start to look a bit stained they become a floor cloth and go to the bin.
I am fussy that they are thouroughly rinsed and spread out to dry. I hate to see manky cloths in people's homes.
I think sponges can harbour so many bacteria within all those little bubbles. Yeeek.
Cloths or sponges can be zapped in the microwave to sanitise them aparently, but I rarely do that.
I use a yellow micro fibre cloth after seeing a review by Choice. Mine go into the washing machine and get hung in the sun. When they start to look a bit stained they become a floor cloth and go to the bin.
I am fussy that they are thouroughly rinsed and spread out to dry. I hate to see manky cloths in people's homes.
I think sponges can harbour so many bacteria within all those little bubbles. Yeeek.
Cloths or sponges can be zapped in the microwave to sanitise them aparently, but I rarely do that.
I use a cloth or disposable wipes.
With a cloth - easy to wash, although boiling water usually does the trick.
Neither - I use Enjo which is I guess a cloth.
by Finy
I use crocheted dish cloths only for washing dishes and wiping counters. I then wash them a few times per week. Sponges are just gross and a waste of money.
I am yet to try one of these cloths. Somebody else mentioned them...I'm sorry, I've forgotten who it was.
by Vee
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