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Do you update your wardrobe every season?

by Vee (follow)
Fashion (139)      Clothes (89)      Trends (6)     

myfashion, morguefile.com

Fashion trends come and go, sometimes at a hefty price.

Do you update your wardrobe every season or just shop when the need arises?

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No, I don't have the budget for that and I don't always like the new season stuff anyway. If I like something and it's made to last I keep on wearing it year in year out.
if only :)
I buy when needed, it would be very hard to keep finding the money to buy each season.
I think if one can save a good amount of money, and then buy 2-3 really 'nice' pce's of clothing.They will look after you, for a few years.
Agreed. ;-)
by Vee
LOL I hate shopping so the very though of having to shop for new clothes every 3 - 4 months makes me feel slightly ill! I buy what I need when I need. I did recently buy new stuff because I lost a lot of weight and my pants were starting to fall down.
Cheaper to get waist new elastic in pants! Lol!
by donjo
I just shop when the need arises or if I see something I really like. I don't go out to update my wardrobe, because I still like the things that are years old, and am not going to get rid of them.
No I don't update every season, however I do buy new, modern stuff every season.

I work with clothes so i seem to end up with so many and dont wear half of them as do not go out anywhere "good".

I have started wearing the good ones to work now, so YES I do update however I do not get rid of the old stuff as it is always perfect.
by Finy
I used to buy a few quality things each season and do keep the clothes for a very long time, but not working in an office anymore, I have found too many clothes in my cupboards that I don't wear now! Bummer...
No.....what a waste of money.
I've so many clothes' collected over the years', there's no need to purchase more. I'm conservative in my wardrobe, so just keep wearing my good quality various outfits' as is.

I do buy the occasional blouse to add to my 'concert' going outfits, though!
Lord, no. Getting me to the shops is like pulling teeth.
by Rice
Haha, had to laugh, Rice Paper. Had to laugh. You know, I used to enjoy shopping. Now, I can't say that I do.
by Vee
Vee, I would probably live happily ever after in a pair of jeans and a red Tee-shirt with a swap out to my Doctor Who shirts for "thpethial occathionth." ^_^
by Rice
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