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Do you update your computer virus checker constantly?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: sbpcmechanic.com

Do you always have a virus protection programme running on your computer?

How often do you update this so you are protected against the latest viruses?

#Computer virus
#Virus protection
#Virus checker
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Mine is done automatically.

I have it set to update certain parts of the computer at certain times, so I am fairly well covered.

I use a programme called AVG which is free, however, for more protection, i upgraded to the paid version about a year ago.
by Finy
I haven't had an antivirus program since switching to a Mac in 2007. I got so sick of constantly worrying about computer viruses, I'm so glad I switched.
yes that IS a huge advantage of using an Apple....but I decided to keep my PC and have my other devices Apple. Also love them but still rely heavily on PC
by Finy
I sure do!
Mine will do it every night at 11:pm.
You can never have enough protection, and for me I do at times have a crash.
I don't use free ones, I like to pay for something with a big cover for all areas of the computer.
I use '' Kaspersky'' it really is very good.
Your only protected (as good as the anti-virus is)!
Yes!! I protect mySELF from viruses(as well as I am able to!!!) so why on earth would I not protect my computer?!!
Only on the PC.
by Vee
I am the same as finy...have AVG and it gets updated regularly and is free!
by fran
no I paid for it as you do get better cover, Fran
by Finy
I am fairly sure mine updates automatically - well I hope so for my laptops sake!

Yes I do - you can never be too careful!
I check for updates every now and then - it tells me if there are updates available
by AJ
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