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Do you update technology often and/or before your friends?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you think "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

Or do you update your computer, phone, laptop, tablet, camera and other technology regularly?

Are you one of the first of your friends to continually update as new things come along, or the last?

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I don't update my technological gadgets until I can afford to and need to, which usually means a fair while after new products are released. The upside is that often that means the manufacturers have had time to work a few of the bugs out.
I update probably quicker than most of my friends.

I love new technology even though I have a problem at first, using it.

I like to read about what is new and always feel I want the newer item though I don't always buy it as mostly, what I have it still good.

The only exception where I am slow to update is Microsoft.
by Finy
No!! I just replace things when they wear out!! My last laptop,which my son bought for me after I became too ill to work,lasted 5 YEARS!!!! No one believed me,when I told them that I had used it so much and for so long,so it was a good thing I had kept the receipts!!! Technology is not really my 'thing',though I do enjoy the benefits of the internet!
I feel updating constantly is just feeding these company's more money as they make products that they no we will get bored of an want the next newest thing..
Not really, I prefer to have a brief review from my friends before jumping into a new pool of techie goodness!
I only update when I have to
by AJ
Certainly a believer of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Technology advances so quickly that the day you buy the gadget, it's already old technology, so you can never really keep up.
Nope, but I tend to make sure that my technology choices meet my needs before I buy and I do my best to buy quality products so that way I don't have to replace things very often.
I really only think computers need to be kept updated say every 4 years or so.
Having said that, I'm the one with a 9 year old mobile phone.....and sadly
find it hard to update things.
That's right.......if it ain't broke why fix it?
Plus we just do not have that kind of money, and we only just got a flat screen t.v. 2 months ago.

My husband is, and then I get updated by default.
I am of the first kind. I don't like waste, so I only ever update my technological gadgets when it is absolutely necessary. The idea of updating your mobile phone every year is to me the most ridiculous notion.
by Vee
I make my gadgets last as long as possible.My phone screen has been cracked for over a year, but it still works. I can't face learning new tricks. My computer was replaced for me by my daughter and son-in-law cos it was totally dead. Shouldn't do much beyond email. I still miss it. I also can't stand all that waste.
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