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Do you turn off your computer/mobile during the day when you are home, or at night?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Do you think it is necessary to close your computer and mobile each day?

Do you close your computer while you are home, only at night, or not at all?

What about your mobile -does it ever get turned off?

#Close computer
#Close mobile phone
#Cell phones
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I believe that all these appliances need to be turned off once a day.

I leave my PC open all day and my I pad is on most of the time and only gets physically turned off if there is a problem, which is rare.

I also turn off my mobile at night but that is mainly because it is next to my bed, and it would wake me each time I got a message, or email, and even turning off the sound it would vibrate. Besides which, I do not want messages, texts etc while I am asleep.

I technician once told me that PC should not be turned on and off during the day but should be turned off during the night.
by Finy
I do not live on my computer so I turn it off when I am not using it! I cannot see the point of it being on all day long,or night either,if I am not using it. I no longer have a mobile phone for general use,so it is only turned on if I am leaving the house.
I use my laptop a lot, so I do not turn it off. But on my phone, I just turn off the internet when sleeping , so that messages and emails don't wake me up. I do keep the phone ON for any emergency calls.
by BK
Yes I do....
by Fran
I always turn my computer off if I am not using it. It's a wasting of energy to leave it on.
I try to turn them off at night, but may leave my mobile on just in case.
by Vee
Yes, I always turn off the laptop at night, & I turn of the mobile when i remember too. t usually leave the mobile in my handbag, which I sometimes leave in the lounge room, by mistake, so like last night, it didn't get turned off.
by Miro
Yes, I close both my laptop & phone at home during the day, & also when I go to bed.
by Miro
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