I always try to buy second hand things instead of new.
That go's for clothes-shoes-handbags-house hold furniture.
I am very much aware of electricity, and water we use.We now have a very small car, $50 a week less in fuel.We also have a very very small house.Do not have a dryer, and always hang out the washing.
I even bought my Grand kids second hand toys for Christmas... some were $15 each, so they are still in excellent condition.That is a pet hate of mine, that toys are always being consumed...and no care for land fill.
We always use both sides of paper, and we don't throw out even little scraps, we use them again.
We do not use the outside light at night, we have solar lamps.
No ceiling light has ever been on in the lounge room for 7 years...we use a small lamp, that has a 40 watt globe.Makes the room very cosy and nice anyway.We try hard to be aware and mindful.