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Do you think you've lived up to your potential?

by xTinx (follow)
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Searching for meaning
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Do you think you've already lived up to what you're meant to do?

Have you reached a point of giving back what has already been given to you?

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I don't believe there is something I'm meant to do. We make our own choices. Have I done everything I could possibly do? Nope. Have I done enough? Who knows? Sometimes I wish I'd achieved more, but I do the best I can with what I have. I don't think it's actually possible for me to give back what's been given to me. I was lucky in the lottery of life, being born in a country that was safe with a great standard of living, with people around me who loved me and cared for me. I can't give that to someone else, that's a matter of luck for everyone. What I can do is try and give back to my community where possible.
Yes I have given back, and it was from the heart.
In fact I was very lucky to be able to give back, but also love doing it.
Sadly it came at a price which was huge, but would still do it again.
All part of our walk on this planet.

Yep I am sure I have done in the end, what I was meant to do.
The hardest part is to know about giving back, then acting on it, and finding joy in doing so.

I believe so. I have done everything that I said I would do , and what I always aimed to do from a young age. I have always enjoyed helping others, so along with my personal goals, I have helped others to reach theirs, and still continue to do so (hopefully for a long time to come)
I believe that along the path of life whether I like it or not I have done what I was meant to be doing. I just could not see it at the time.
I have been in the field of education for a while now and I would say that I give back through my students. I also try to teach my children what life as taught me will be more rounded as adults.
I dare say I haven't but I also know that I have helped others to live up to theirs. I think Jennifer's answer is a very good one. I try to do the good and right thing in all situations and I know that my light shines for the animals more than for people but we all have our calling, even if we are not aware of it.
by Rice
I try to give back where and when I can. As for "living up to what I'm meant to", I think it's too early to tell.
by Vee
I think I have missed some opportunities - especially to gain qualifications, because of circumstances. I have survived things that have made me a more compassionate person. In life I continue to grow and learn.
I have not reached my full potential, but I am not dead yet.
I give back wherever I can. I count myself as extremely fortunate and priveledged. I don't take that for granted and have seen how well off I am for simply being born in Australia.
Yes, most definitely,, & beyond, in many ways!

But I still want to do more.
Yes I believe I have!
by Finy
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