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Do you think your hair is your "crowning glory"?

by VerityG (follow)
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hair strength crowning-glory woman
David Castillo Dominici via freedigitalphotos.net

A woman's hair has traditionally been thought to be her crowning glory, and a major part of her attractiveness to men, explaining why several cultures require women to keep their natural hair covered up. For men, in the past, long hair has symbolised strength.
Do you think these attitudes still hold true nowadays?

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I don't see hair to have a huge impact. Over the years I've had my hair shaved, super short, medium and long and didn't feel any different about myself. I see hair as a bit of a fashion statement and a way of self expression. My husband has long hair now, and I find that attractive, but when we met he had a shaved head. I don't think hair has a lot to do with being attracted to someone as I am drawn to personality over looks.But in saying that I do believe I was viewed and treated differently by others being a woman with a shaved head!
Yes, I found the same when I shaved mine. Some people also acted differently towards me with dreads than they do without them.
People still get very weird about hair. I used to be a bit precious about mine, which I always kept very long, but nowadays I really don't care. I like it in a style that's easy to care for, short or in dreads. I don't care what other people think of it as long as I like it.
I absolutely love dreads. I have tried to do neglect dreads in the past but I wasn't patient enough to wait it out.
Yeah, the in-between stage is hard. I didn't have mine long enough for them to really mature, so I'd like to try again.
Very much so.

I really shudder to see women not look after their hair with even a hair brush, or a good wash.It really one takes a minute to brush ya hair?
I only ever brush my hair immediately after a shower, jonaj. Otherwise, it turns into a fuzzball.
by Vee
I know too well :)
by jonaja
I used to spend a lot of time grooming my hair but just can't be bothered any more. It was a bit embarrassing for my husband as he used to work for Wella and having a wife wandering around with 3 inch roots wasn't quite the thing apparently... and I can't make up my mind if I want it long or short. Stuck somewhere in between at the moment and it's driving me mad!
LOL love your answer, it really made me smile. :)
by jonaja
Thank you! I try to see the funny side whenever I can, doesn't always work but it's better than crying.... ;)
I don't consider it my crowning glory but if I don't like my hair, I don't feel good. I always feel great when I walk out of the hairdresser or when I've taken my time to blow dry it nicely. Unfortunately that doesn't happen often enough - life's just too busy!
No - mine needs a cut and a style but I'm too lazy, so normally it's just back in a ponytail!
I think that whatever you think will determine your reality, and you will navigate the world according to that.
My hair is not my 'crowning glory' - unfortunately.
by Vee
Definitely not though it is something that, over the years, my friends have talked about.

I had long one side and short the other years before it came into fashion and my friends used to think I was quite crazy!

I do not think hair is a womans crowning glory, and I have not heard that long hair symbolises strength!

You live and learn.
by Finy
Yes, the Sikhs believe that a man should never cut his hair as it represents his strength as a warrior and in the Old Testament Samson had enormous strength but only for as long as he kept his hair uncut, so his enemies got Delilah to seduce him then cut his hair when he was asleep.... two very different religions and cultures but both with the same (slightly bonkers IMHO!) idea.
Definately yes for me. I have an ugly face, so having my hair look nice makes me feel better because I know it distracts people. I also find longer hair on a man very appealing - I couldn't go out with a bald man if my life depended on it!
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