The 'Physical' shopping we do in our lives will Always remain.
For one reason or the other hundred.....people prefer in all honesty to be able to 'feel' 'try-on' what they want to buy in ways of clothing, or essentially shoes are a must!
Shoe shops I feel will never close down, or clothes, hats.Handbags same thing.
Suits for men, and also their shoes.
People get a 'high' from buying in person.
There are items that buying on line now is the only way.
I have been collecting certain items, and they could not be found any other way.
The internet can I believe only cover ''so-much''.
It is not the absolute.
Maybe it can cover 50% of most items, but I am yet to be convinced, it can and will take over total-shopping-experience.
We also have to remember that physical - shopping, is a day out.
A day you can also have fun, and lunch out, so the social aspect would be very well missed.
The internet is valuable, especially for people who are (home-bound)....It's application for those people is nothing short of wonderful.
For time poor people, who work all hours once again great application.
Mother's with young children, once again Internet is a blessing.
But! for people who love the opportunity to have time-out, and some's a must.
There are some items, and we must not forget that no matter how well displayed on the just have to buy in person.
That's a given.