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Do you think there are too many sales these days?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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sale discount
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/Freedigitalphotos.net

Almost every shop you go into at the moment has a huge "Sale" or "Discount" sign of one type or another plastered across it's entryway. Do these signs mean anything anymore, or are they just noise?

Does a sales sign outside a shop influence your decision to shop there?

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I sometimes think that these 'sales' are nothing but gimmicks designed to attract potential customers.
by Vee
Unfortunately for retailers, business is not like it used to be, and there is so much more competition so they need to have sales much of the time to survive.

Yes, having a Sale sign in the window or outside the shop influence me to at least go in.

I now generally only buy clothes in a sale, so I do not think there are too many from a shopper's point of view. However I often walk into a sale, and end up buying item or items that are not in the sale, so I guess the Sale signs are doing their work!
by Finy
If I need something, then yes ...wonderful.

If I was to do what a lot of people do, and go shopping
for a 'quick-fix', then of course no way!

I don't need quick fix days, I have found it cost's a lot of time and money.
Both I have not enough of.

I'm a busy girl on my 'puter'. :)
There is and that is how it works too . The consumers are at an advantage if they do their research right .
Sales are everywhere nowadays. This does not mean they are always real deals. It's just a marketing strategy in many cases.
However, I a sales sign does influence my decision to get inside and check the deal out. Clothes, for instance, I buy only when there are sales.
The sale signs look awful to me because they are usually red and imposing, but they do have an impact on my shopping too. If there is a brand on sale and a similar brand not on sale, I will go for the one on sale. It's hard to avoid.

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