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Do you think the salaries of top sports idols are justified?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Money (149)      Sport (50)     
Sports is a great way to stay healthy and an excellent form of entertainment. Some giants, such as David Beckham, Roger Federer, LeBron James, Tiger Woods are paid millions in salary. Given that they are the best in their game, do you think their exorbitant salaries are justified? Why or Why not?

salary, sports

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Absolutely not, they are paid far too much. Yes they work hard and to be fair to the athletes, they get paid what people are willing to pay them, sports is big business. But I don't believe their contribution to society and the world at large justifies their pay grade, not by a longshot.
I have no problem with athletes being paid the big bucks. Having recently visited The Australian Institute of Sport, I was floored by the amount of training these athletes do and the commitment and sacrifice they have to make in their personal lives in order to become top in their fields. Many of them train for 5-10 years before they even make it to the Olympics and many of them get injured along the way.
I absolutely agree with Clare Deville, but the argument can be made that all these CEOs in USA who eventually contributed big time to the world financial crisis also got big bucks for a job done badly. Their salaries and bonuses are huge too. So I think what I am hearing is that salaries should be proportionate to contribution to the "world" but capped at a certain limit, is that correct?
no, particulalry as so many of these sporting athletes then abuse the position that they have been put in. They agree to huge endoresment deals that put them into the public eye. They become celebrties, and often role models but then fail with their public conduct. I dont think a day goes by without a sports 'star' gracing the news with their lewd conduct, drug dealings, foul play or other such misdemeanours. With big salaries comes some responsibilities and if you dont want to be in the public eye, then don't sign up all the advertising deals etc which is where a lot of the mega bucks come from.
They do train all their lives, and their sport is short lived. For example, in tennis if you're 30, your sort of a bit too old to be winning grand slams against the young guns.
One word for what they make...................Obscene!

Great Question. Should salaries of any celebrity be justified! If we not, we would be in a socialistic, if not communistic country. Sports person are paid those fees because they worked hard to building up a profile of perceived value. In the end, teams want to win because money is at stake and thus will take on a player that will help them achieve that.
Needless to say, while there are high paid athletes in the world, these numbers are minimal to the amount of athletes to the world. We are only made aware of these high paid athletes because they have a good marketing manager. Other athletes contribute years in sports without being paid a cent. Unfortunately it is just - as they say - 'how the cookie crumbles'!
No but neither are actors - if only people were paid for their contribution, such as nurses or the person who cures cancer
Yes, most of them -they work very hard, do not have a "nice" life and their careers are generally very short and often dangerous.
by Finy
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