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Do you think the Oscars could be rigged?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Danilo Rizzuti -freedigitalphotos.net

I read an article suggesting that the Oscars are possibly rigged.

Who votes for the winners?

Do you think the Oscars could be "fixed" or do you think it is a genuine competition?

#Film Awards
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I think it could easily be rigged!
I'm not quite sure what I think on this.
I would not have thought they are rigged however after seeing an article about them, am not so sure now.

I think a lot of competitions etc could be rigged, just not sure if one this big could be.

I don't know who actually votes for the winners, but I guess anything could be rigged.
by Finy
I have absolutely no idea. I could easily believe it is rigged, but at the same time, it depends on who is voting, and what they would stand to gain from it.
I have no idea who votes for the winners, I imagine it to be a panel and voted on artistic merit not on what the public necessarily likes best. If that is how it's done, then the results would be arbitrary anyway so couldn't really be rigged.
It is all politics.
For years I have seen people win and others who should have....not.
Genuine competition?...lol...nothing is genuine in Hollywood.
Quite probably. I'd be surprised if they weren't.
Like anything in life, I think the Oscars could be rigged.
by Vee
I don't think its rigged.
But I would like to know what the criteria is to win
by AJ
I hate to be such a cynic,but my answer is a resounding YES!!! I do think that the oscars,along with many similar awards are rigged! Money seems to be the real voter in these awards!!!
The very fact that the studios & producers campaign beforehand shows it is political rather than each movie just being based on its merit. Wouldn't go so far as to say "rigged" but a little suss definitely. I'm sure not all of the Academy would be swayed by the campaigning. I guess we'll never really know.

Dunno. But nobody's going to tell you, anyway!

Was suss when our Cate Blanchett missed out on Best Actress for film 'Elizabeth'. If ever someone should've got an Oscar in a role, this was it!
P.S. That was Daniel Craig's first film. He played the treacherous priest tortured by Walsingham, played by our Geoff Rush......
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