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Do you think that it would be better for people to donate money or give flowers?

by meggf (follow)
Charity (30)      Grief (4)     
Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

After the recent siege in Sydney there has been an understandable outpouring of grief. Martin Place is covered with flowers in plastic wrap that people have donated. Do you think it would be better for people to donate money to a charity in lieu of leaving flowers in the city? There will be thousands of lonely people seeking shelter, company, and food on Christmas in Sydney, women seeking refuge (that the NSW govt has closed) to escape from violent men like the one who took the hostages .... are flowers that need to be disposed of really the best thing?

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These flowers represent the feelings of grief for the 2 people who will no longer live, to see another day.
The flowers show a lot more than what we are looking at:

They are representative of all the other Aussies who can not lay flowers.
They are a symbol of:

Expression of grief.
Expression of anger.
Ability to be part of the memorial.
Personal expression of the heart.
Respect for those lost, & their families.
With a Huge outpouring of Love.

What those people all went through was nothing short of Courageous.Hours of standing with a gun pointing at them...This is their time!

These are THEIR FLOWERS, and in a way a public funeral.

They deserve that much.

We will always have lonely people, women who are abused going without.
But! they may not always be lonely, and abused....they have a chance, while they still live and breath.

Sometimes we need to be able to grieve for who we have lost ....then in time try to fix other issues.

We can not and must Not Mix the two together.

Now when you say that, it makes sense Jonaj. Thanks for the wonderful input.
by BK
by jonaja
I like the flowers but I do think people could have removed the plastic wrap before leaving them!
I think having a public sharing of grief on occasions like this is very important for the community and to restore some faith in humanity. People are touched by what has happened and wish to do something to show that. Leaving flowers has always been the traditional way of sharing this emotion.

I think the other issues you raise are all valid - but not connected. People should donate money to help the homeless or the abused because they care about them, not because two people were shot in a besieged café. All aspects of humanity and caring but separate ones in my opinion.
Money definitely. Flowers are eventually going to trash can unless they are plastic.
by BK
They might last a little longer Kabhi, but I know that when we go to the cemetery and people have left plastic flowers, they too end up being thrown away because the elements get to them.
by Vee
Hmmm in that case, fresh flowers are much better.
by BK
Yep, money would go further. I told my husband that in the case of my death, I don't want anybody to purchase flowers. I do love flowers, but I would rather them just say a prayer for me. In the end the flowers will die and thrown and money will be wasted

Having said that, I do like the image of support and solidarity that flowers can represent, especially in the above tragedy. People could do the same thing with candles...
by Vee
Although it's probably grinchy of me to say it, I think that donating to charity would be a better use of the money. The gunman was on bail for 40 violent acts, most committed against women. The victims of these crimes, who ever the perpetrator, need support that just isn't available. Having been in a domestic violence refuge, I know all too well what the funding problems are like, and the NSW govt has stripped even more funding from them. That leaves women and children vulnerable.
It depends on the occasion. Flowers can be a nice universal gesture. Money on the other hand can be a nice gesture or the start of very serious accountability issues.
a good question each answer has its merits,
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