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Do you think that going gluten free is over rated?

by dwatk (follow)
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Do you think that too much fuss is made out of going gluten free.

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It's not overrated if you're actually gluten intollerant. Then you need it to not be sick. However, I do think it's a bit weird the way wheat seems to have been demonised in the past few years, with even people who aren't gluten intollerant avoiding it.
I'm a firm believer that (as long as you don't have an actual, medically diagnosed allergy or intolerance) then a balanced diet, including wheat and other gluteny grains, is essential. I was devastated when I was diagnosed with coeliac disease before Christmas. Being gluten free is proving to be expensive and difficult - and I don't have a lot of support for it. I could not imagine why on earth anyone would do this unless they truly needed to!
We enjoy less Gluten in our diet, and we have lost a bit of weight too.
Yep it is expensive, that's the drawback I know.
by jonaja
Not for people who have a genuine wheat intolerance. My father has a very serious condition associated with eating wheat, so for him, it's necessary to the quality of his life. However I think gluten free has come to be seen as a health buzz, when the majority of humans have no trouble with gluten at all. Eating gluten free for health reasons - without a genuine medical reason for it - is definitely over rated!

That croissant needs more gluten!
No it's not over rated at all.
I only buy gluten free pasta, and it is much much nicer.
We avoid gluten when ever we can, and I'm happy to do so.
I don't think so! I have two friends who are gluten intolerant and have seen first hand what happens if they eat gluten. I can't imagine anyone doing this if they didn't have to. Anything gluten free I've tried has been awful, although my friends tell me it's improving all the time.
So in what way does it effect your friends . I get very bloated and wind. I just remembered my dad saying you were not aloud to eat very fresh just baked bread because dough effect .
by Pamew
So in what way does it effect your friends . I get very bloated and wind. I just remembered my dad saying you were not aloud to eat very fresh just baked bread because dough effect .
by Pamew
Unless it's making you sick, then yes.
by Vee
Recently I was listening to a man interviewing people who have gone gluten-free. He asked them what is gluten and most did not even know. Some people are definitely allergic but that is a small percentage of the population. Most are just following the fad.
by Gia
If, gluten free meals is required for medical
reasons, guidelines given by a dietician should be
followed. Like everything else though, it can become a fad.
As a diabetic, if I was gluten intolerant, I would be in a bit of a hole as most of the subsitutes for wheaten flour, such as potato flour and tapioca flour, put the blood sugar up. I am not allowed much bread anyway and certainly not white. I read an interesting letter from a lady on a GF blog, whose husband was reacting to bread in general: she discovered quite by accident that if she left her homemade bread to prove overnight, he had no bloating, gas or discomfort. It was an interesting observation, I thought. Maybe everything is just made in too much of a hurry these days.
by Rice
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