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Do you think surveillance cameras in public places are an invasion of privacy?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: suphakit73 -Freedigitalphotos.net

Do you think having surveillance cameras -CCTV -in so many public places is ever an invasion of our privacy?

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No, I don't think they are an invasion of privacy.

Due to the high rates of crime now in Australia, I think they are an excellent idea and should be everywhere.

They are often used for crimes, including murder, so I do not see why anyone would object to them -anyone who is honest, that is.
by Finy
I totally agree with you, they don't bother me at all . . . . except the time I was in a public toilet and looked up and realised the one I could see could clearly see me in the stall . . . . ! Just a bit too freaky.
by Rice
Absolutely. Big Brother is watching, and if it makes you feel better to think that they are there for our protection, go for it.. but I'm not buying it.
Oh for heaven's sake!

They're there to protect US!
Would like to have many more, especially in low-lit areas etc.
also would like to see more brightly lit areas of the city.
Sad that we have to be afraid of the night crawlers in the dark :((
by Rice
I did once think it was a Invasion of Privacy.

Till that lovely young woman in Victoria was followed and killed last year.

The only pics they had of the man who killed her was from a shop.
Thousands of people went to march,for her...So yes I do believe we have now no option.If it can happen just once, it's way too many.Plus even for children
who go missing, on their way home from school.

Our streets are not safe, and I have been told the reason 'why' a crime is committed....''because that person thought they could get away with it''.
It matters not 'why' they would even want too do such a thing,the fact is in all my years of dealing with these people who commit crimes, they feel it is something they can get away with.

Their thinking is so warped, you just shake your head.

If a person is not doing anything wrong, why be concerned you are being watched.
It's all about keeping people safe, and alive.

I know from personal experience, you can never be too safe.Plus it should then give people a feeling not of ''just being watched'', but safety.

If they were 'manned', all day even better.Something happens, then help is on the way.
It will let the people who commit crime know, ''They are being watched''.

There are more good things, than bad with CCTV...We need to grow up, and stop all the banter about them, we need extra security, that's it.

No I don't think they are an invasion of privacy. They perform a service to the public i.e. their security.
No I welcome them, no prob if you are doing the right thing and..having recently had my car window smashed and handbag taken (yes I know I should have taken it with my and not left it under a towel!) the cameras allowed the cops to catch culprit (she was on camera where I had parked and where she spent $1000 of my money) SHE IS GOING TO JAIL, is a repeat offender...shouldn't say it but she is Aboriginal....just a fact
by Fran
I would prefer them to be there.
by AJ
No! I thin k they are a jolly good idea! I recently lost a dear young friend to a vicious murder as she walked home from work.The only real evidence to be forthcoming was due to these cameras being in place.Even so,the culprit is still at large,though the police are definitely learning more from the cctv coverage all the time. I know of many petty crimes too which have been solved thanks to these cameras,and I have no objection to them being everywhere if necessary!!!
On some level I believe they are an invasion of privacy. They are everywhere, and contrary to what people are made to believe, crime rates generally are not on the rise. In fact, in certain places around Sydney, they on the decline. They can be helpful, without a doubt, but at what cost?
by Vee
Nope. It's a public place. Private is the opposite of public. Therefore, how can it be an invasion of privacy? If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about, and when someone does something wrong to you, you'll be thankful the police can catch the culprit because they were caught on camera....
by kimp
I think they are necessary these days too. The operative word is public place, and as many of you have said, if you have done nothing wrong then they won't bother you, As I walk to and from places a lot on my own ( I live 3 kms from melbourne cbd) am pleased that the cctv cameras are everywhere and that makes me feel safer.
Not a problem. So many cases of violence etc. have been solved (unfortunately not prevented) by the use of CCTV. Remember little boy in UK and the photos of two children taking him away in the busy shopping centre. The story haunts me still and always will. But at least it assisted in the capture and gaoling of the two little animals that took him.
No, I welcome it. If you have nothing to hide, what's the problem...
No way. I think they are a good idea & are there for the protection of people & property. Unfortunately there are so many cretins around that they are necessary in public places. I feel much safer with them & there are so many cases where they have helped authorities catch people who have committed serious crimes.
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