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Do you think school camps are a good idea?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Have your children been to a school camp? Did they enjoy it? What were some of the activities they took part in? As a parent, were you worried about them being far away from home and possibly getting hurt?

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School Camps are wonderful.

The first day is a little alien, but after that it's fine...and the kids learn how to be around others, in a bigger setting, how to help others, and interact as a team.
My youngest son run's Camps for school age children, and it will always take a bit of time to adjust.I think it is part of life, and growing up.
There are so many things for them to do, and really if they were asked 'if' they would stay another week.......they would!
School camps can be really fun and great to bond and make friends. Camps can push kids out of their comfort zones, but this is often one of the best ways to have new experiences and bond with classmates!
They're great and fun. Keep then to a few days though as some high school kids can get homesick.
I enjoyed most of the camps I went on as a kid, for school or my church. I got used to being away from home and being a bit more independent.

I do remember one particularly horrible school camp where we were locked in our dorm rooms at night and had to phone for someone to come and let us out if we wanted to go to the toilet, which kids were hesitant to do because they'd get yelled at for waking a teacher. They also publicly humiliated kids who wet the bed by asking them to put their hands up in front of a full assembly, shouted at kids who didn't get new activities (like canoeing) right first go etc. Some of the staff were clearly enjoying their power trip at the expense of students. When that happens it's like the worst parts of school magnified because you can't go home and escape at the end of the day.
School camps are great fun. Kids get to know their
friends better and learn new skills in a different environment.

Yep - they have a great time, and love being away with their friends.
They are great fun. You get to see the sides of your friends that you never saw before. There is also the bonding, the social interaction. Besides, just think that you get to be away from your parents and hang around kids your age.
They are great for teacher bonding as well.
My Year 5 son has just been to his first school camp. It was for 5 days and 4 nights - quite a long time when it is your first time away from home. However he had a great time. They did so many activities - sailing, canoeing, kayaking, archery, obstacle courses etc. It is good for them to gain independence.
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