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Do you think plumbing is a man's job?

by Road Runner (follow)
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After our last plumbing problem, I could not help but notice that all the plumbers I called were men. Do you think plumbing is a man's job? Have you ever hired a female plumber?

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I'm sure there are women who are plumbers, I just don't know any of them. If a woman is strong enough to do the job and wants to then there is no reason why she shouldn't. We don't all want to work in an office.
No. Plumbing is the job of a qualified plumber, but either sex can do it. I'd be pleased if my daughter wanted to be a plumber when she grew up (as long as it made her happy). It's a good steady job which will always be needed and it would be handy to have one in the family.
I think so because men don't mind getting dirty.
Plumbing is a plumbers job. I have never met a female plumber though, but I would have no problem hiring one!
Haven't hired a female plumber but I know one. So no, I don't think it's a mans job....
I am not sure on this one. I have only seen male plumbers. I wonder if there are any women plumbers out there?
Mainly men are plumbers, however women are able to pick up the skill and learn. Think Frankie in Packed to the Rafters - she was a female electrician so surely there must be male plumbers.
Nothing is really a mans job. Women can do anything.
I don't know of any female plumbers, however feel sure there are some.
I personally, as a female, would not want to do this kind of work, however do not think it is a man's job only.
Women want equality so that means they also do what was traditionally a "man's job"
by Finy
I don't think it's a mans job.
No. Anybody could do it, once trained properly.

We've male Nurses', female Pilots' & Electricians'
now, so in a number of jobs the gender 'barrier' no longer exists like it did 50 yeas' ago!

I think that, probably, a woman should be a plumber. After all, women cause most of the problems that require a plumber to fix !
Anybody can be anything they want to be. Having said that . . . . I have twice seen plumbers covered in poo . . . . personally, I don't want to be a plumber. LOL
by Rice
No. Anyone could do it if that's what they wanted and had done the proper training. Having said that, why ANYONE would WANT to do it is a mystery to me! I'm glad they do, but I could think of nothing more gross...
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