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Do you think Oscar Pistorius is guilty, and should have been charged with murder?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

What do you think of the Oscar Pistorius trial?

Do you think he is guilty of murder, and should have been charged with this?

Or do you think it was not intentional?

#Oscar Pistorius
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I just cannot decide on this one -on the surface it looks as though he is guilty of deliberately murdering his girlfriend however that is such a stupid thing to do that I am not sure. If someone wanted to murder someone surely they could go about it more cleverly?

Or perhaps it was sheer rage that drove him.

He "appears" guilty however I would not like to be connected with having to decide if it is murder first degree, manslaughter, or what.
by Finy
I don't know enough about the case. Hopefully the judge makes the right decision.
I am hoping that the judge did get it right with her Manslaughter charge earlier this evening.His emotion during the court case seemed very genuine to me,but there are some extremely accomplished actors out there. Being so high profile,it is very hard to know what the media has actually reported correctly.
Don't know, on the fence!
by Fran
Guilty of murder! He wanted her out of the way for some reason. So many questions that were NEVER asked. Not enough space here to list them.
Don't like Judge only trials either. Too open to corruption.
He should've got life. It was pre-meditated.
Guilty as charged
I haven't heard all the facts, and to do that one would need to be in court every single day.
I don't know - I didn't follow the case all that closely
by AJ
For what it's worth I think he's guilty of murder. Too many things don't add up for it to be unintentional.
No idea.
by Vee
Guilty! This question hasn't been asked - why did Reeva lock the toilet door. When you have lived with someone for a long time you don't bother any more. The only time you do is when you're angry with them and you don't want them to come in. Did he try to open the door before he shot her. Wouldn't she have shouted at him to go away? Still too many unanswered questions and only his word to go by.
He has got away with out an out MURDER
I am currently reading The Trials of Oscar Pistorius by John Carlin in an effort to give Oscar Pistorius the benefit of the doubt but having weighed up his behaviour on the night in question I have come to the conclusion that Oscar Pistorius did murder Reeva Steenkemp in an act of rage - something he appears to have immediately regretted but unfortunately he cannot turn the clock back or bring this young, healthy and outgoing girl back to the life she should have been allowed to live. He deserves to suffer the consequences of his action.
Really do t think it was accidental. He spat the dummy for sure!

Yes I think he is guilty
It's a no brainier really. Even if there had been an intruder, why would he need to shoot them through a locked door? Wouldn't anyone else have walked away and called the police? I have no doubt he knew exactly what he was doing.
He has admited to firing the rifle through the locked door, i find it exceedingly difficult to believe that he thought he was shooting at an intruder, if he had called out or yelled then reeva would have called back that it was her locked inside. And i also believe that if was trying to protect reeva from a suspected intruder then he would have made sure he knew where she was before firing a high powered assault rifle inside the house
As guilty as the day is long. Literally got away with murder. And now living in luxury under the pretense of 'house arrest'. Disgusting excuse for a human.
Guilty of murder and should have been charged with it.
by Rice
Who knows what really happened
Perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt
Yes I do.
Reeva was unnecessarily killed.
Look to his past and that has some sway with why I think yes.
My opinion and certainly the Prosecutions thoughts also.
Yes, I reckon he's guilty, & should be in jail, not under house arrest. Yes, he should have shouted through the toilet door, asking, "Who's in there?" Murderers should be in jail! Do 'we' know of any other murderers who are under house arrest, living in house worth millions of $'s? What a joke!
by Miro
This reply is now much later, & I think he is now in the real jail AT LAST, for about 15 years.
by Miro
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