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Do you think men and women should compete separately?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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I have always found it annoying that men and women compete separately in sports. Although I think it is right in some cases, such as boxing, in other sports like athletics, tennis, football, etc, shouldn't they be able to mix? What is your opinion?

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I know that men have great upper body strength than women, but for a lot of sports that does not come into play, and I think that the two should compete against each other equally.
I feel men have more stamina than women and in sports it would give them an advantage. But they could compete in games like chess
Yes, I think in tennis anyway, they should compete separately.
They are stronger than women no matter which way you look at it, and I think it would be unfair to compete in this sport with a mixed partners (unless you were playing doubles and one of each).

In other sports, there are many where strength would come into it, and even athletics so the majority of sports should be kept separate as men and women have different capabilities even though we are equal mentally!
by Finy
I'm with you Finy. "Equal" does not always mean "same", although I see no problem with it if it's just for social purposes rather than competition.
by kimp
A man's hit of a ball with a tennis racket, will be a far different one
to a female player.
So for that very reason, the sport is 'compromised'.
P.S. My 'No' means no they should not play together.
by jonaja
Men are stronger than women, so they would have an unfair advantage over women in most sports. In Motorsport it would be fine as physical strength isn't as big a factor as skill. Also in horseracing, a female jockey may be lighter than a male one which could make up for some of the lack in strength.

Ooh this is a catch 22. I'd like to say men and women have exactly the same capabilities, but unfortunately, that's not true. Women are far superior at certain sports, whilst some men excel in other physical activities. It's a toughie.
Considering their Stamina, they should not compete in outdoor games,however indoor game they should compete each other.
In some sports definitely, but in other sports especially non contact yes.
Golf, Tennis, running, horse racing (which I think they already do), car racing etc.
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