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Do you think its better to stay in a bad relationship for the children's sake?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo Courtesy: suturi.com

Do you think it is better to stay in a relationship that is not so good, for the sake of the children?

Or do you think the children are better coming from a broken home and not seeing arguments?

#Broken home
#Bad relationship
#Stay for children
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I think it is worse for children to see arguing and bickering than living separately with each parent or however it is decided.

It is great if the parents can get along as I did with the father of my children, however I think it would also be difficult if they did not get along, and I often hear stories about one or other parent being nasty and mouthing to the children and not allowing visits etc, or making them difficult.

I find this disgusting as I believe that CAN affect the children and they are the innocent people in all this.

So, I think, split, if you are constantly arguing, and children can tell these things also.
by Finy
It depends what you mean by a bad relationship. If a couple's just having some minor arguments maybe they can work through it. If it's an abusive relationship it's as bad for the kids as it is for the abused spouse.
I tend to agree with Jennifer's answer....In the past I don't think people tried hard to work things out, I know first hand how a divorce can affect kids...especially when they are grown up and still have anger which has not been worked through......sad...
by Fran
Counselling first.
Then after a year, if it is not going to get better.....the children must come first.
Sometimes it can turn things around 360, so better to try that so they do not come from a broken home.
I can talk from experience of two broken marriages....Children can not be subjected to a unhappy home.
But! being a sole parent is very hard.So there really is no great solution.
Unless, both parents try really hard to find a solution and some love as well.
A home with two parents that fight all the time, where there's no love, IS a broken home. Two homes with separate, happy parents, that can work together for the wellbeing of the kids - despite being apart - is much better.

Children need love and stability, sometimes that comes from having both parents in the home, sometimes it doesn't.
NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!!
It is far better for children to grow up in a happy home with one parent,than an unhappy,and this unhealthy home with 2.Often parents can be better colleagues or even friends,than they are partners! Children grow upo darn fast anyway these days with the way society is,that their home life should be safe and happy for as long as possible.
No I don't think.
If a relationship is effectively over then in don't think you should stay together for the kids. But if you are both willing to work on the relationship then I think you should stick it out - regardless of whether you have kids or not.
by AJ
Put aside selfishness and work it out for the sake of everyone. Just today I was listening to the story of a man who was divorcing his wife but due to his procrastination he forgot to sign the papers and it never happened. Today they have a very loving and happy marriage.
by Gia
"Wow" is all I have to say about that.
by Vee
If all avenues have been exhausted and there is no hope for love or happiness in the relationship, then no it is not better to stay in a relationship because of 'the children'. What sort of message does this send the kids? And could you imagine growing up with the knowledge and the guilt that you are the reason keeping your parents from finding happiness either alone or with somebody else? No thank you.
by Vee
NO. I think it's better to fix it and make it work for the children's (and your own) sake. Of course, that's assuming both people are capable of doing that. Sometimes people don't have that luxury (it takes two to tango). In that situation it's a difficult question and I'm sure there is a point where the benefits outweigh the costs. More often than not though I think people underestimate the costs before making the decision.
by kimp
I'm think to teach our kids about healthy relationships we also have to show them how to leave unhealthy ones. I think it's good to let them see arguments, to see that it's normal to argue and it's ok as long as it's not all the time and that it never gets abusive obviously.
I lived for 15yrs with a mans understanding of communicating was arguing with innocent children who I had to defend all the time it was horrible i went with nothing but now we have every thing and I think my faith gave me strength.

Surely it is better for children to see their parents happy and getting along.

The term 'broken home' is awkward. I am not sure what that means, or implies.

Children need love, support and good role models. There are many ways to parent well that do not require a nuclear family.
No no and did I mention no
No never as the children become badly affected by all the bad arguments.
Don't suggest it is a broken home because of a marriage failure, sometimes one parent does a great job raising their children.
No, never.
The children live in an environment of constant friction and bad feelings.
Better to separate and the children will at least be spared the conflict.
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