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Do you think it is safe to drink water from a garden hose?

by chipp (follow)
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water, garden

There are so many stories about water and plastic and the effects on your health. Do you think it is safe to drink water from a garden hose?

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I probably wouldn't do it on a regular basis, but I don't think the occasional drink would hurt.
No it really isn't.

All the chemicals they now put into these plastic items........from years ago.
If you go to some of these $2 shops, you can smell the toxic plastics as you enter.
Now everything is being made more cheaper, and we just have no idea? what is in it.
Gone are the days, when it was safe.

Intersting question. I would worry about spiders, but that's easily enough avoided. I hadn't thought about the plastic, not to mention the fact that the hose doesn't get cleaned inside except by cold water so there could be mould in there.
I never thought of the mould, good point.
by jonaja
I think it would be fine to do ocassionally as long as the water had been running long enough for any bugs to be flushed out. Of course this would only be if your tap water is good enough for drinking.
Once in a while it is ok, and depends on the hose. Otherwise don't make it a regular habit.
It would depend on where I was, and how thirsty I was. In my own backyard I wouldn't have a problem as it is Sydney water which is currently safe enough to drink and it would only be if I was in the bottom garden and had been working hard. I'd run the water first to make sure the water is running clean, but the little amount of dirt on rare occasions is probably better than the effects of dehydration. If it was a garden hose in another country where it might be grey water (or worse), then no, I wouldn't drink it unless desperate and there was no other source.
it is essential to run the hose first as the water in the hose heats up and produces bacteria which can make you very sick. After that it's fine to drink.
We all did it as kids and nothing happened. I wouldn't do it too often though, but once in a while shouldn't pose a problem if the hose was flushed clean, and the water is fresh.
You must be joking. I assume you mean in Australia - who would ever think it unsafe? Grounds with non-potable watering systems are always clearly labelled
Have done that all my life, & I'm STILL here!

PC'ism going mad, yet AGAIN!
You got it in one Donjo! Did it all the time as a kid and I'm as healthy as an ox! No wonder kids are such wuss's these days...
by poppy
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