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Do you think Crocs are ugly and do you own a pair?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by jeltovski, morguefile.com

Do you think crocs are ugly and do you own a pair?

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I do not own a pair.

They have a purpose!

I think they are good for wearing gardening, to the beach, and just a quick throw on, even when raining...you have to take out the rubbish bin, etc.
Makes no difference if ugly....they really are
cheap, and come in lots of fun colours.

GREAT for kids too, seriously.
I don't really like them for young kids because the seem to trip over a lot in them.
I don't think looks should come into it. They don't all look like this. I have some that are multi coloured and look like sandals. You would be surprised at the different styles they have. Unfortunately every one eqates the ones pictured as the only styles they have. I thought so to until I saw the huge range available. I bought mine when I went on a cruise ship so I could wear them in the water. I have since bought a few pairs for others who have complemented me on the look and the colours. Mine are multi coloured strappy sandals. There are copycats of the clog type variety. I also got some of the crocs thongs. Their shoes are some of the most comfortable I have ever worn. I recommend to anyone to look at the range available on their website if you cant get to the shops. You really will be surprised.
Forgot to mention that. My husband bought a pair of boat shoe crocs that look very smart but can also be worn in the water
by Lluxi
I have 4 pair all in the ugliest colours available but for some reason, wearing them when my sciatica is really bad makes a big difference. I would not (could not) be without them and when they get grotty i put them in a mesh bag and throw the whole lot in the washing machine.
I don't like them. I had a pair once but I'm not sure what happened to them. If I want slip ons for when I go out to the garden I wear thongs (for overseas readers that's flip flops or jandles, not underpants).
I was bought a fake pair from Aldi which are an ugly olivey green but I don't think Crocs are "ugly" particularly. They are what they are. I quite like mine for going outside and not getting wet toes. They have a liner which is removable and washable and boy, oh boy, does it keep the toes warm! I think without the liner all the dirt would fly in and drive me up the wall. . . . consequently, they don't get worn all the time.
by Rice
My grandsons wear them and look good in the minion and car ones. I have a proper pair of clogs so wouldn't wear them because I think my feet would sweat. I do however own a pair of Croc thongs and swear by the comfort of them. As a person who hasn't been able to wear normal rubber thongs due to rubbing between the toes, mine are magic.
Absolutely one of the fugliest shoes ever! Wouldn't own a pair if you paid me. And why would I want damp, sweaty feet in 'plastic' shoes??
Why is something so ugly so comfortable. Makes you wonder about the makers of shoes.
I have many pairs and comfort trumps looks always...
Although they're not very attractive, they're definitely practical in some places and circumstances. I often travel to tropical places that rain a lot and find that crocs or any other waterproof shoes are great as they can't get damaged if they get wet. I rarely wear them in Australia, though..
I think they’re ugly, I don't own a pair, but I’ve heard they’re very commutable to wear. There’s a lot of copies out there now though. A friend in the N.T has 1 real pr & 3 or 4 copy pairs & says hers are all very commutable to wear.

Wear swea-making plastic shoes? You've got to be joking.........
I wonder what they will do to young childrens feet

Crocs don't just come in the one design (pictured) there are many others and they are stylish (not in gaudy colours). They are light and durable and comfy to wear. So I have to say I don't consider all Crocs ugly but surprisingly I don't own a pair either.
My 5 year old has a pair and he seems to like it. It makes his feet sweat more than usual.
by Gia
Yes, I do think they are ugly. I did buy a pair when they first came out but found them very slippery on the paving in my courtyard when it rained. Ended up throwing them away. I think they could be useful though for adults or children paddling in the ocean.
I think Crocs look great, I have 3 pairs, grey,cream, and bright blue.
They are wonderful to walk in, much better than thongs (jandals).
I own three pairs (different colours) they are comfortable and much better than wearing thongs. Crocs seem to sit better on the feet, they also look quite trendy.
Yes! I do own a pair of crocs, and I lovem they are so comfy, I couldn't go without them.
Crocs are ugly but they have their purpose. I always wear them in the garden and when I broke my legs my feet swelled up and they were the most comfortable to wear and stopped me slipping.
Personally, I think they are butt-ugly. I don't own a pair. I haven't even tried a pair, but seeing as most of you think they have a purpose, are comfortable, and 'trendy' even - though I'll never agree on that last point - I will try a pair the next time the opportunity presents itself.
by Vee
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