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Do you think boys need special classes about violence?

by meggf (follow)
Crime (34)      Men (25)      Violence (10)      Domestic violence (6)     
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According to the FBI 80.4% of people who were arrested for violent crimes were men.

Given the over representation of men in this figure, do you think there should be some sort of classes in school about male violence?

It's worth noting that 94% of women who were arrested for domestic violence or homicide were previously victims of the person they assaulted, and most had reportedly assaulted the woman more than once prior to her attack on them. Domestic violence experts suspect that in most of those cases, the woman hit out in self defence, or to preempt an attack against her or children and animals.

#Domestic Violence
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I don't think I would advocate special classes for men but I do think there needs to be more discussion of violence and appropriate ways to behave generally. I would have the discussions at school with both boys and girls, so that along with teaching boys that violence is not the answer, girls could also learn that they are entitled not to be treated violently. Both men and women need to have their voices heard on this issue and young girls should see that their opinions are important too.
All you have said is correct.
The stats for Australia are very much the same, the problem is that young boys who have a bad home life, do vent-it later in life.

It is very small numbers who can (just let go, and have a decent life style).

I have worked with young people, and it always comes back to the home.
How it can be addressed, is worked out by better minds than mine! but the
problem is hard to fix,it starts very early in a childs life...and continues for years of just being around a violent lifestyle.

Later, it is seen by that boy as normal....and once again it all starts over again.But it also is not just about the violence, it is about being in a very unhappy home , one nearly void of all love and caring.
When any love comes it is embraced but just doesn't last too long.
Ultimately, the child grows up only knowing one way to live.

Classes are a very good tool, but with that one still has to be mindful that the guy has had a disproportionate life to start with.
The sheer 'psychology' is a giant issue, which needs attention over many years.
I have been horrified to hear some stories of abuse at such a young age.....

Absolutely, 100% yes, yes yes yes yes yes YES! Did I say yes?

In my opinion these should be double classes, one class during the regular school day and one class in the evenings to be attended by both the student and the guardian. I think people get so caught up in their own lives that they sometimes forget that they still have a responsibility to teach their kids right and wrong. Doing a class like this together would be a bonding experience that solidifies proper values. Of course, it will never happen.
I think male violence is the greatest danger faced by the planet today. Something needs to be done to change the way men are interacting with other humans, and that includes other men, not just women.
I think the classes would benefit both genders.
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